Please, Stay with me!

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We're in January, it's snowing outside and not just a bit. Sky and Sara are officially together since now a month and a half. But they had a fight about i don't know what last week so it's kind of awkward. Sky really loves her, He's happy with Sara and i think this fight bring him à bit down.

It's now Holidays so we don't have school! Sky came to my place today and he didn't looked great.

Me: Please! Stay with me i want to watch another Jack's video!

Him: Yeah but... i don't feel great i should go home!

Me: It's been 2 weeks that you don't "feel great" is it because Sara and you fought last week.

Him: Yeah... Well, not really. I have to tell you something important Mia.

Me: Sure, what's happening?

I'm getting closer. His face looked sad and scared. I was joking 2 seconds ago, but the atmosphere got heavier and more serious.

Him: As you know, my father has to move a lot for his job, and that's why i've spent the last  6 months in Canada. And i guess i've always been okay about it, not seeing him a lot while he drives around the country. But this time it's more complicated and  my father has to move to USA for his job... and obviously, so do i...

Me: Wait what? But You just arrived! No! I don't want you to go. There must be a solution! 

I feel my eye getting full of water as i'm trying to realize what is happening. 

Him: We still gonna talk on internet and we will make video call on Skype!

Me: But it won't be the same!

I start crying and he takes me in his arms...God, i'm gonna miss these hugs.

Me: Who's gonna watch jacksepticeye's videos with me and play videogames all day long? Who's gonna do music quizz and dance like a fool with me?

Him: It's still me, the only difference is that there's gonna be a screen That's gonna seperate us.

Me: I love you Sky, Please, Stay with me!

Him: I love you too Mia, more than you'll ever imagine! But i don't have the choice. I'll come back in summer vacation to see you every year. Please don't cry, nothing is gonna change. I've already tried to figure out all the possibilities, but i have to move. 

Me: When do you have to leave?

Him: Probably next week...

We stayed like that for an hour, trying to tell ourselves that it's gonna be okay. But honestly, i'm not sure...

Everything Is Gonna Be Okay (With Jacksepticeye)Where stories live. Discover now