Suit up

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The drawing above has nothing to do with the story but it is too cute.
(Com com
Tim's POV
Once we discovered that Damian had run off Dick got us to suit up and track the little bird down,
Time skip ( 1 hour later) (By this time it's already 2 or 3 pm)
"Guy's any luck" Dick com's us
"Sorry no luck Nightwing" I tell him
"No sign of the demon spawn"Obviously Jason
"Sigh everybody meet on top of Wayne enterprises"
"Ok Fineeee" Jason groaned he is such a jerk  
"But.." I start to say
"No but's Batman implanted a tracker in Robin's arm a couple of months ago and I need you and Red Hood to try and crack the password" Nightwing tells us
"Fine" I cut the com,
"Look I know your worried about Little bird but he will be ok" Dick try's to reassure me
"But what about what happened yesterday?"
"It will be ok I was going to take Damian to the pet store today but he got sick" he tells me
"ok take him as soon as he's better" I say
"Ok now get your but over here Nightwing out"
As I swing away from the construction sight I had been searching I began to think about what happen yesterday
Flashback"singsong voice"(my flashbacks are gonna be dialog only)

Damian has a kitten he got it as a gift from Mar'i(Forgive me for what I am about to do but don't worry Damian will get another one later.
"No its not"
"I threw the kitten out the window yes and it died but I just wanted to see if it would land on its paws"
"So what I don't care"
"Thats it Jason go to your room Bruce will punish you when he gets home"
"But Dick I was just playing around"
"And that gives you the right to kill your brothers kitten?"
"No but.."
"No buts go to your room"
"Fine I don't care I'm glad that kitten died 'cause demon doesn't deserve anything good that happens to him"
"Damian are you ok?"
"What do you think Drake 'sobs' Im worthless"
"Damian Im surprised at you, you are not worthless you are a very valuable member on the team"
"'sniff' really?"
"Really Dami how about you go to bed and skip patrol tonight?"
"Ok Good night Grayson Good night Todd"
"Good night"
"Good night"
"Dick what are we going to do about Jason? He has gotten meaner ever since Damian came"
"'Sigh' I don't know Tim go get your suit on we are going to go on patrol".
End of flashback (sooo Jason is a total jerk and Damian lost one of his pets) so anyway on with the story.
Thats it
"Nightwing I know were Dami is"
"What were?" He asks
" Where Kita's grave is" I say
"Of course why didn't I think of that? I'll meet you there" He exclaims
"What about Red Hood?"I wonder
"When he got to the building he started to rant about why we were looking for a useless kid"
"WAIT WHAT?"I explode
"Calm down Tim he is is grounded for two months"
"Good I'm at the cemetery I will try to find him Red Robin out"
As I enter the cemetery I heard soft crying coming from my right
"Dami? Dami? Is that you?" I ask as I run towards the sound
I come across a huddled form curled up by a small grave stone
2016 -2016
Loved pet
"Damian I'm sorry"
he lifts a tear stained face "Are you really Todd" he asks
"Of course I am Dami" I crouch down and hug him tight
"Dami Dick says he will take you to get a new kitten as soon as your better" I tell him
"But it won't be the same as Kita" he whimpers burying his face into my chest I slowly pick him up he's warm to warm
"Of course it won't every pet is different but you still love every single one of them even if they are dead or they are alive you still love them very much" I tell him as I walk towards the exit
"Thank you Tim" he whispers as he closed his eyes
"Your welcome Little bird"
A figure starts towards us its Dick
"Red did you find him?" he asks out of breath
"Yeah he was at Kita's grave Crying himself to complete exhaustion I told him that you are going to take him to the pet store as soon as he's better" I tell him
"His reaction?" he asks
"Same as mine when I lost Blacky I told him the same you told me when you told me Bruce was taking me to the pet store"
he smiled "You did good Red come on lets get him home by the way how is he"
I put my hand on Dami's forehead "Oww" I swiftly whip my hand back "We need to get him back he is worse"
"How much?" Dick asks concern written on his forehead
"It's probably high than when he got stuck in the swamp for half a day" I tell him grimly
Dick whips out his communicator "Alfred we need a pick up now" 
Damian groans and sifts in my arms he mumbles something unidentifiable,
Dami hang on I think to my self as the Batmobile pulls up
Just hang on.

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