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Harry's POV:

I woke up the next morning, not really well rested as I couldn't turn my brain off most of the night as it was racing to figure out ways to get off this deserted island as well as trying to figure out everything that we have to do to survive here. We are going to be staying here until help arrives, which could be indefinitely, so we need to start thinking about survival. The first thing that we need to do today is find a water source and food. We should also start making a shelter, as we can't all stay in this boat another night because it's not really big enough for all of us to lay down. We also need to make sure the fire stays lit because we'll need to be boiling our water to drink, and we need to take inventory of our supplies.

While I was thinking of all of this and waking up, I can see everyone else stretching and yawning as they wake up too. "Good morning, how did everyone sleep?" I ask and get murmurs of sore backs and limbs that have fallen asleep. "So I was thinking pretty much all through the night how since we don't know when we will be rescued, or even if they realized that we are missing at all yet, that we should start to make camp and be prepared to live here for a while. To do that, we need to build a shelter, find a water source and food, ect", I explain to everyone and I can see nods of heads as they agree with me. "So Harry, what do you propose we do?" Louis asks me. "Since you're an engineer, and Liam is a firefighter, why don't you guys build a shelter? Niall can keep the fire tended so that when we find a sustainable water source we will be able to boil water to drink. While you guys do that, since Lily is a gardener and knows which plants aren't going to kill us and such, she and I will go in the jungle and try to find something to eat, as well as look for a water source", I tell everyone and we all break off to do what I said.

Lily and I head into the jungle, checking the trees for fruits and trying to find water. After a few minutes of searching, I decide to strike up a conversation with Lily, as I don't really know too much about her, just that she's a gardener. "So Lily, how old are you?" I ask and she laughs. "What, is that your way of trying to flirt?" she asks me as she continues to laugh a bit. My cheeks grow red as I blush and say, "Um, no I wasn't trying to flirt. I mean, I don't want to flirt with you. I mean, I don't like you that way. I mean, it's not that you're not pretty, I just... I'm gay", I say as I try to not insult her and explain myself. "Um, I just wanted to get to know you a bit. I'm sorry if it seemed like I was flirting", I tell her as I run my fingers through my hair, trying to not be so awkward during this whole situation.

She then looks up at me with a look of embarrassment and guilt. "I'm so sorry. It's just that's how all the guys that try to flirt with me start out. You know, the "How old are you" and "Want a drink?" I just assumed that you were the same. I'm so sorry for judging you that way. It was wrong of me to do so. Just great, now I look like a loser. Why can't I ever do anything right?" she asks as she goes on belittling herself and calling herself names.

I stop her mid-sentence right when she was just starting to lose it, and grab her hands in both of mine. She looks up at me and I can see tears starting to fall. I pull her into my arms and she holds me tight, just relishing the comfort as she continues to cry into my chest. "Sh, Lily, it's okay. There's no need to be upset about it. I forgive you, but I think now you need to forgive yourself. It's not healthy to think of yourself like that, and I never want to hear you call yourself those names ever again. You're a beautiful young woman, who's smart and kind. And from what I can see, any guy would be lucky to have you, you just haven't met him yet. When you do, he will come along and sweep you off of your feet and treat you like royalty, just as you deserve. You will be his princess and he will be your prince. You just might have to kiss a bunch of horrible frogs before you find your prince", I tell her as I gently rub her back and soothe her in my arms.

After a few minutes, Lily calms down and stops crying. She slowly gets out of the entanglement of my arms, and looks up at me. "Thank you Harry. It's just with everything that's happened, and us getting stranded on this island, it finally caught up to me. I mean, I don't even know that my parents or sister are okay. They could be floating off in the middle of the Pacific Ocean for all I know, and worrying about me. It's just a lot to take in is all", she explains to me as tears start to form again in her eyes. "Sh, sweetheart it's okay. I'm sure that they are fine. I know that they got off that boat, as we were the last people to get into a life boat, and a rescue boat was on its way. The only reason why we drifted to this island was because we got the last life boat and it wasn't as well equipted as the other life boats, as it didn't have any oars in it. All the others had oars as well as all of the life boats had bags just like the one we have, that has a flashlight, first aid kit, knife, and much more. I'm sure that they are fine, but right now you can't think like that. You can't think about where they are, or if they made it because it will just drive you mad. You just have to know that they are looking for you, and love you with all of their hearts, and that we will get off this island", I tell her as I wipe her tears and comfort her. She gives me one last hug of thanks, and then breaks away. "Okay, now that my mental breakdown is over, we really need to find some food and water", she says and starts walking towards a tree with what looks like some fruit in it.

After a while, we have collected quite a bit of fruit for all of us to share, as well as we found a fairly large river to get out water from. We are hauling all of our bounty when Lily turns to me and says, "Thank you Harry, for everything". I smile at her and say, "No problem. If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here for you". We then smile at each other and continue walking back to camp with the fruits in our hands.

Hope everyone had an amazing father's day yesterday :) (was it father's day for everyone around the world, or just U.S.?) Either way,  Louis and little Freddie are too cute! Anyway, hope y'all liked this chapter and let me know what you think :)   

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