Happily ever after

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Lily's POV:

We finally get to civilization and I can see my parents and sister waiting at the dock. They have tears running down their face, but they never looked more beautiful to me in all my life, and I start crying with them. As soon as the boat is docked, I run over to them and give them a huge hug. I can see the guys running to their families as well, well all but Harry. I run over to him and pull him to meet my family, as it's part of his family too.

As I do, I can see my mom's face pale in amazement and she gives him a huge hug. "My baby boy has come back to me!" she cries out and Harry, my sister and I all look confused. My dad then explains, "When your mother and I weren't yet married and were pretty young still, we had a child- Harry. You know in our family and in our religion that having children out of wedlock was a huge taboo, so our parents made us put him up for adoption. We promised that we would come back for him as soon as we were legally married, and even gave the adoption agency the ring that Harry's wearing right now, but we were too late. We got married a year later and went back for him, but by then he was already adopted. We tried getting ahold of the family that adopted him, but they wouldn't let us get our son back. We fought for four years for him, but they wouldn't budge and eventually they refused to talk to us and moved where we couldn't find them. In that time period, we had you and a few years later we had Rose. We had to move on from our lost son as we now had a family to raise, but we never forgot about him. I know we didn't tell you guys, but that was because we didn't want you to think of us any differently or be mad that we gave up your brother. However, not one day went by that we didn't pray that we would find him again and he would come back to us, and now our prayers have been fulfilled", my dad says as he starts crying and pulling all of us into a family hug. I smile at Harry, now knowing that he's my big brother, and I can't be more proud to call him that.

After a few minutes of hugging with my family, I finally get out of the hug while Harry and my parents continue to talk and catch up, and I notice that Rose keep looking over at Liam checking him out. I smile at that and then look to see Niall sitting on a bench by himself, as his parents are now talking to the people that rescued us and thanking them. I walk over to him and say, "Hey", as I sit next to him. He looks up and smiles. "Hey. Who would have thought that my mistake would be what saved us all?" he says with a small smile. "I would have. I always knew that there was something special with you. I may not have realized it right away, but it was always there. I believed in you when you may not have believed in yourself, and I think what I've found out during all of this crazy adventure was that I found the person that I love. Niall, I love you", I tell him and a look of happiness overcomes his face. "I love you too Lily", he says as he pulls me in for a deep kiss. It felt like fireworks went off and passion egnited between us.

We continue kissing for a few minutes until both of us break apart for air. As we're breathing heavily, we continue to look into each-other's eyes, mesmerized by them and I curl up in his arms, knowing that I'm where I'm supposed to be as I listen to his heart beating in my ear. It's soothing and I get lost in the sound of it. It's listening to Niall's heartbeat that I see everything going on. I see Harry and Louis finally kissing, and Harry introducing him to what is now our family. I look over and see that Liam and Rose are talking and it looks like their hitting it off. I smile at that as my sister would be a perfect match for Liam, as she's a bit more outgoing and fun than I am, and would give Liam a run for his money on adventure. Lastly, I see us all save and sound with each other, and I couldn't be happier than I am right now. It may have been a bit of an adventure and a whole lot of crazy, but I really couldn't have asked for a better vacation.

So this is the final chapter. I always like my books to have a happy ending, so not only did Lily and Niall have a happy ending, Harry and Louis had a happy ending, as well as Liam and Rose have a possibility for a happy ending :) Thank you to everyone that has read and supported this book, and let me know what you think :) 

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