Chapter One

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Chapter One - The Reaping 

Carlie was what some might call a wallflower. She was quiet and reserved always left standing off to the side and most oftenly forgotten. She didn't mind it that way, to be perfectly honest she preferred it, it gave her the chance to work on her throwing knife skills. She was getting pretty good at it if she may say so herself.

Her parents were nice, as far as parents go, but they were always working. Carlie kind of brought herself up, which did help with learning to forage and hunt.

Carlie was so nice to everyone that she quite commonly was taken for granted. Carlie didn't have any friends, not any more, not after her best friend Sam committed suicide last year.

Carlie did blame herself for a short while but she didn't cut or become depressed she just focused more on practice. Just because Carlie didn't blame herself anymore didn't mean she blamed Sam, after all his mother and father died in an explosion at one of the sites for building war crafts, she knew Sam felt he had no choice. All she wanted was for Sam to have left a letter.

Now she sat in complete silence running her brush through her hair. Today was reaping day, the one day a year where everyone has to be together, meaning she could finally see her parents. She didn't dress exceptionally fancy, not because they didn't have money because they did, because she felt she shouldn't have too. Why must everyone dress nice if they are just going to be sent off to their death, it's not like anyone from five ever won anyway. Instead she wore just a nice top, a pair of black skinny jeans and dolly shoes. With her hair she was just going to tie it up so it was out of her face.

She dragged her feet along the floor as she walked along the corridor of their bungalow towards her kitchen. Carlie was met by her parents in the kitchen as they discussed something to do with work and the capital bla bla bla... Carlie didn't really care to be honest, all she cared about was weather she wanted to eat cornflakes or frosties.

As she lift up the box of cornflakes she whistled a tune that she'd heard her mother singing once a very long time ago. She was so engrossed in the tune and pouring cornflakes she hadn't even realised her parents had stopped their recent conversation and we're now turned to face her, as if just noticing her presence.

Carlie finally get the stares of her parents and gulped down the spoon full of cornflakes she had just stuck in her mouth. "Um, hey mom and dad." She waved slightly with the hand her bowl of cereal was not in before taking another bite.

"Carlie, dear, are you sure you want to wear that to the reaping?" Her mother gestured to the clothes she was wearing. Carlie shrugged but she didn't stop eating the cornflakes.

"I don't really care." Carlie continued to eat now leaning against the counter.

"Carlie..." Her father said warningly but Carlie continued to eat the cornflakes, they were some nice cornflakes.

Her mother let out a sigh but let the subject go. Carlie ate the last of her cornflakes before putting her bowl and spoon into the sink.

When it was time to leave for the reaping Carlie's parents decided to continue on with their conversation about work... All Carlie heard was 'train transport' bla bla bla 'work for more hours' bla bla bla... It sort of upset Carlie that on the one day she got to see her parents they still choose to talk about work.

Carlie decided the best way to past time would be take her hair out and plait it. Carlie was good at plaiting hair and often did it to past time but today she no matter how many she tied she didn't feel relaxed like usual, it was like something bad was about to happen. Carlie feared she may know the answer to why but felt if she said it aloud she would definitely jinx it.

"Right. Well... See you after the reaping my darling." Her mother kissed her upon the head but Carlie couldn't stop herself from rolling her eyes. My darling? Really?

"See you after kiddo." Kiddo? What the hell was going on?

"Yeah... Bye!" She waved over her shoulder before joining the cue to be stabbed with a needle.

"Next!" The peacekeeper barked causing Carlie to jump slightly in fear. Great, just great.

She shook her hand while walking away from the peacekeeper and stepped into the crowd were she hoped she could fade into the background.

Here in district six they had gotten lucky with an announcer who was very much so like Carlie, he too was reserved and quiet, he definitely wouldn't be the type of person you'd assume to be an announcer. He had dry blonde hair and piercing grey eyes, he was only 21 years of age, if Carlie were being totally honest she would say he was cute.

"Welcome to the 73rd hunger games..." Braylom sounded so awkward that someone who wasn't awkward themselves would internally cringe. "Um, girls first." He stuck his hand into the glass jar of names lingering over one before digging to the bottom and pulling a piece of paper out. "Carlie Simms!"

Carlie stood shocked. That was her name.

"Eh... Carlie Simms?" Braylom said into the crowds of six.

Carlie was shook for her paralysing shock before she dashed out of the crowd and onto the stage. Her gaze set on the floor. Carlie was a very small girl being one 5ft2 but right now she felt the smallest she'd ever felt. A few strands of her brown hair fell in front of her face and Carlie was seriously regretting not dressing up.

"Um, now for the boys..." He again stuck his hand into the jar but this time took one from the top "Sebastian Hart!"

Carlie felt herself relax as another awkward looking person stepped forward. Sebastian had dirty blonde hair and green eyes that never seemed to really meet anyone's.

They shook hands before being taken into the justice building. Once inside they were tossed into one of the rooms.

Carlie wasn't sure if she wanted to win these games, on hand she could win them and prove to her parents that she means something, or on the other hand she could die in the games and be with Sam. It was a tough choice and a choice she would obviously have to save for later.

Her parents walked into the room. They didn't cry but neither did they smile. A sort awkward silence hung in the air, no one really knew what to say. So instead they just hugged. Then talked about politics.

To live or to die that was the only thing going through Carlie's head as she left the justice building and got on the train.

- Laura x 

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