Chapter 1

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"Baby girl come down stairs I have something to tell you", my dad calls. I groan in responses while looking over at my alarm clock. IT'S 6:30 IN THE MORNING ON SATURDAY!!!! I hop out of bed and head to my on suite. I look in the mirror and am surprised to see that my hair doesn't look like a birds nest. I brush my teeth and rinses out my mouth. Then washed my face. I went to my walk in closet and chose short shorts and a grey crop top. Then I went to take a shower. After I showered I put on my clothes, along with lotion, deodorant, and perfume. I walk to my vanity and brushed my hair out and put it into a high ponytail. Putting on only mascara and lip balm because I don't want to look like I smashed a cake in my face. I finish my look and head down stairs to meet my family for breakfast.

While I'm walking down the stairs I look at the clock on the far wall and see it says 7:03 on the dot. Hmm I did good. I see my mom in the kitchen and walk up to her. " Hey sweetie how was your sleep", she asks while hugging me and handing me a plate. " It was good", I respond as I walk towards the island were the rest of my family sat. "Hey guys", I say to my dad and brothers. They all respond with a hi.

After we finished eating my dad took me and my brothers into his office. Oh and we don't live in the pack house we live in the alpha mansion. When we got in his office me and my brothers took an seat in front or his desk while dad sat behind it in his office chair. "Children I'm sure your wondering why I called you in here this morning", he pauses as if he's finding the right words to say, " Alpha Xavier is coming to the pack to meet with me to discuss something and I want all of your to be in the meeting room with me along with my beta and gamma." I stare at my father as if he's grown two heads. I look over at my brothers and they look the same way.

All of the sudden I'm filled with rage. My whole body starts to shake and my wolf is fighting to surface. I look over at my brothers again and they are shaking as well. "What kind of meeting would he want, huh? He probably want to take our land or our pack. Why so you need us there along with your beta and gamma?! Huh?? Do you know something your not telling us? We all know that it not just a friendly meeting were we talk about anything and eat scones while drinking tea!!" I yell at my father. I feel that I'm more mad than my brothers are because I hate that he's coming here just like they do but also when father had said his name I had wanted to shiver and I had this weird feeling in me. As if on que my oldest brother Aneken who is 20 asks dad when will he be here as my other brother Aking who's 17 starts dragging me out but not fast enough because I hear my father reply 'today'.

After Aking let's go of me I bolt to my room and Alan the door loud enough for Alpha Xavier to hear while he's in his car on the way here. I jump on my bed and think over everything. Alpha Xavier is dangerous, he's destroyed packs, killed, huh I feel sad for his mate, but maybe then again his mate can be the one to change him. I was just about to fall asleep when I here Aneken tell me in the mind link to come to the meeting room they'll be here in a minute. And by they he means Alpha Xavier, his beta, and gamma.

I make it into the meeting room and stand in the darkest corner so no one can see me but I can see them. Suddenly the most wonderful a sent hits my nose and my wolf tries to tell me something but I block her out. As soon as I do in steps Alpha Xavier with his beta and gamma. I see Xavier looking around as if looking for someone. But stop when my father introduces him self. Then my brothers do the same. I stay in the corner just watching it unravel. 30 minutes into the meeting Xavier starts talking about taking some of our pack land and I just had to step in I will not let the devil take something that my family worked hard for.

" Alpha Xavier if I may u would like for to close your mouth and go back to your pack without any of my packs land, and if you want to do that I'll just ship you over to your pack with your tail between your legs", I say while still standing in the corner. His response was what I was hopping for, " then come out from were you are and tell how your going to do that", he says in a dangerous voice. I hate my body for shivering at his voice but I still step out to meet him. I lock eyes with him and he seems stunned. I feel my wolf Ender pushing at the barrier i put up between us so we won't communicate trying to tell me something but I just ignore it. "And who might you be", Xavier asks. "Well wouldn't you like to know", I reply venom dripping from my voice.

My dad scowls me and pulls me down in the seat next to him." I apologize for my daughter's behavior Im sure she'll be happy to tell you her name", my father says nudging me under the table. I glare at him before mind-linking my best friends in the whole entire world Enika and Keenan. Not even one minute later they come running in hugging the daylights out of me. Of course Enika is a girl while Keenan is a boy. We go and pull our chairs to the back of the room glaring at Alpha Xavier. Oh and both Enika and Keenan found their mates. I don't feel sad that I haven't found my mate if anything I'm ok with it for right now.

My father mind-links me and tells me to say my name so I mind-link Enika and Keenan and tell them to say their names after me. I stand up and look Alpha Xavier dead in the eye and say my name," my name is Aubrey Anitosé ", then my friends say there names and there title to me which is best friends. And we sit down. I'm starting to get a head ache cus my wolf keeps trying to tell me something but I'm not in the mood so I lay my head on Keenan's lap while my feet go on Enika's lap. They ask me what wrong and I tell them about my wolf and my headache, and they tell me just see what we wants since she isn't giving up so once I take down the barrier all I hear my wolf yell is Alpha Xavier is my mate.

I tell my friend in the mind-link and what do you do they start talking out loud. This is what they are saying, "him your mate your to good for him I feel sorry for you, you have a murderer as a mate". Right when they were about to say more I slapped the back of there heads and they shut up while I glared at them. I sit up from my laying position and look over to the meeting table to see my brothers and father looking shocked by along with our beta and gamma along with Alpha Xavier's beta and gamma. Alpha Xavier he just looked ready to blow because of the things my friends said. he got up and he was running to my friends ready to attack. But I stopped him. How you ask I'm and elemental.

That mean I can control either wind, earth, water, fire. But I am the only elemental werewolf that has all of them. So when he was about to attack my friend I put us in a bubble of fire. My father designed this house so it won't get destroyed if I used my elements. Alpha Xavier stopped in his tracks so he won't run into the fire bubble around us. " Move this out of my way", he yelled." Do you even know which one of us is controlling it",I asked him smirking." I know how to know if its you controlling it", he said turning around and going for my father and brother's." shouldn't have done that", I said shaking my head we opening a hole in the ground under Xavier. Let's just say that he stayed there for two hours straight as punishment. Yup this always how I planed to meet my mate. Note the sarcasm.


Thanks for reading this chapter this is a book I hope to be keeping on my page for more than a couple months. Love you lots

| KaylaK | 😘😘

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