After Every Storm Comes A Rainbow.

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After Every Storm Comes A Rainbow.


“The morning has come and the sun rays shine through the window on this beautiful spring day. I got off the bed, looked at the clock on the wall which read 7 am, dressed up and thought about what I’m going to do today. I instantly knew what I was going to do today. I was going to go out to the Wal-Mart or roam around the streets of Thunder Bay to beg for some money and buy some clothing for my brother. You see, I’m poor and stay at a homeless shelter with my little brother. We are doing pretty well but need some clothing.  He & I roam around the city, begging for money so we can try and buy some clothing, but people don’t pay much attention to us, they just walk by. They think I am his mother and just looking for money to buy drugs or alcohol, but what I’m really trying to do is buy some clothes for him so he can go to school. We are both natives so that is why he & I have trouble begging for money and  I don’t really need to go to school as much as I want to, but he does because he is 12 years old and needs education more than I do. I went to school while I was in the reserve, but moved into the city with my family. I wish I had stayed there to get my education; it would’ve been so much easier on me & my brother.

“Good Morning, Wabun.” My little brother Jacob says wearily while interrupting my thoughts. Oh and He calls me Wabun because it is easier to say than Wabakwanii. Wabakwanii is pronounced ‘Wa-ba-gwen-ee’ and also means ‘flower’ in Oji-Cree, my language.

“Good Morning, Jacob.” I reply with a smile, “How did you sleep?”

He answered while getting out of bed, “I slept okay. Thanks for asking.”

“No problem, Jacob. I’m going to go to the dining hall now to grab some breakfast don’t forget to make your bed and bring your backpack when you come. Okay? Okay.” I said while walking out of the room not bothering to wait for his reply.

                As I walked down the hallway to go to the dining hall I say  “Hello “ and “ Good Morning” to everybody and anybody I pass by. I feel like I’m in such a good mood today because today is going to be the day I go shopping because I saved up about 60 dollars to buy some nice clothes for Jacob and I’m going to ask the owner of this shelter, Sherry Wolfe, if she can help me enroll him in the public school. I hope she says yes, which she probably will because she is the kindest woman I had ever met! I consider her as my aunt; she tries to help me and Jacob out as much as she can. As I entered the dining hall, I was showered with “good mornings” and “hellos.” As I lined up to grab some of my food I seen Sherry behind serving some of the food, this is where I ask her.

“Good Morning Sherry!” I say with a smile.

“Good morning, sweetie.” She replies back with the same gesture.

“Sherry? Can I ask you something?” I inquired.

“Sure!” She answered while she took off her apron and came around the corner of the counter to join me.

“Now, what was it that you wanted to ask me?” She questioned me.

I reply with, “Oh yeah, uh, can you help me enroll Jacob in school after I buy him some new clothes to wear?”

“Of course I will!” She replies cheerfully.

“Yay! Thank you, Sherry!” I say as I get up and hug her and she hugs me back

Of course Jacob has to ruin the moment and say, “What’s going on? Why are you guys so happy and excited?”

“Thanks for ruining the happy moment, Jacob. Anyway, we’re happy because I’m going shopping to buy you new clothes and enroll you in school!” I say happily, “Grab your food and eat so we can head to Wal-Mart and buy some clothing along with supplies for school.”

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