Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Dillon took Billie back to the hotel an hour later when she was discharged from the hospital. Justin didn’t leave but kept his distance from the pair. Back in Billie’s hotel room Sasha filled in the group. Nicholas was working on the discs which held a few encrypted files and data. “We hope to have something before this afternoon.” She sat on the bed and grabbed her friend’s hand. “Billie did your brother know a lot about computers?”

“Yeah he was always interested in stuff like that. He was a real James Bond, loved mystery, high tech stuff, and always trying to piece it all together. Dillon too, they use to like making up stories that solved the latest crime in the paper when then were teenagers. I told Joey he would’ve been an amazing cop but his first love was the Lord and working with the church.” Billie was distant inside her mind, the memories running wild, at times she smiled and other times her eyes glossed. “He did a beautiful job at your wedding.”

Sasha tightened her hands around Billie’s cold ones. “Yes he did.”

“He wanted to do my wedding but he wasn’t a full priest yet and I ran. Joey always understood what happened unlike my mother who has turned into a cold bitch. I love her I do and I always will. Maybe one day I’ll give her the grandchild she still misses.” It was easier to talk on nearly a day of no sleep and an emotional breakdown she didn’t foresee possible.  Dillon felt his own emotion welling up and turned away from Billie’s hurtful blue eyes.

Sasha promised she’d be back and stepped out into the hall with Justin. “I think we should call Pete down. He’ll know now to handle this without making it worse. Being back here, Dillon, her parents and Joey’s death is just eating at her now.”

Justin agreed. “I’ll go get him.”

Inside the room Billie glanced away from her hands and saw Dillon’s slumped shoulders. “What’s wrong?”

Dillon sat at the corner of her bed rather than the chair that he normally sat in when visiting. “Just tired I suppose.” There were a million things he wanted to say to her in the moment but it wasn’t the time, she wouldn’t be able to understand completely where he was coming from. They needed closure on Joey before anything else could be possible. “How’s your head?”

“Not bad with those pills they gave me. Everything is a little foggy as if on air. I kinda like it.” Billie gave him a bright smile that was nearly impossible with her glassy eyes. “Don’t be mad at me.”

That caught him off guard, he moved closer. “For what?”

“I lied to you when I said I didn’t love you anymore and didn’t want to work it out.”

A wave of surprise hit Dillon, his heart jumped into his throat. “Billie…” he reminded himself she was out of the loop because of the pain killers.

The room door opened again and along with Sasha entered Dr. Pete Truman.  “Pete!” Billie exclaimed. “I haven’t seen you much this trip.” She frowned.

“I decided to stay a bit in the shadows. I’ve trained you all so fine you don’t need my help. I’m proud to see how wonderful you all work together.” Pete sat beside her, smiling.

“You always said there can’t be a sour apple in the bunch.”

They spoke all through the next hour about nothing too serious, it gave Billie the break her mind needed not to focus on Joey and his killer.

Once she fell asleep Dillon made it to the police station. Marty handed him a cup of coffee just the way he took it and followed him to his office. “The press is hounding for another conference, them bloodsuckers have been getting their info from somewhere because they asked about the Feds and the private threats to Agent Billie. She’s a sweet gal.” his assistant spoke.

“That she is.” Dillon sat at his desk. “Get Rafe and Marie in here. When I’m done with them you can tell me about all those other messages you’re clutching.” He drank some more of his coffee, enjoying the warm comforting liquid after the hectic night with Billie. He greeted his detectives and motioned for them to sit down before explaining the latest events in the Savich case. “Her partners have Billie tightly secured. What I want us to work on is tracking the common link between Joseph Savich and Don Kettle, there’s no mistaking they were killed by the same man.” he explained now Nicholas ran with a hunch and found they may be dealing with a serial killer.

Marie said. “That hunky Fed figured all this out? Hmm I guess they have managed to help.”

“That’s the sprit. They’re going to be involved with this until the end, get use to the FBI being close.” Dillon warned his detectives again while glad to see Marie’s outlook on the extra help softening.

Sasha felt restless that early afternoon having nothing to do but wait. Billie managed to finally get to sleep with much help of the pain killers while Justin kept watch over her. Pete went to meet with Dillon and his officers, to make sure we’re all on the same plate, he had said.

 “Why did you marry me?” Nicholas asked, humor laced along his tone.

“Because you’re good in bed?”

Nicholas smiled. “I knew that was one of the reasons. No because I’m smart and I know you’ve hated to admit since we first met. I’m going to need you to admit it now.”

Sasha grinned while laying her hands on his shoulders. “What did you find?”

“Joey would have made a good cop. The killer got close to him but Joey got even closer and did our job for us.” Nicholas clicked open a few windows. “He found the pattern between all the victims and their common link.”

Sasha bent to look at the screen. “The newspaper article we saw at Mary Kettle’s.” Many other articles appeared on screen. “The same man wrote about all of them. Do you think?” she looked down into her husband’s blue eyes.

“That the reporter could be our man? I do.”

“I have to tell Billie. You call Dillon and we’ll all meet at the office.” Sasha ran out of the room and down the hall to Billie’s room. She knocked as a courtesy warning and stepped inside. Time seemed to stop as she took in the scene before her, dread equally as slow settled in.

She snapped back to reality and bent down to Justin’s unconscious body, he was still thankfully breathing. She ran back out the room and yelled. “Nick, Billie’s gone!”

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