Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Dillon knew he had to find a way out of there. It was too much for Billie and her teammates to figure out and save him in time. His head was still reeling over the fact the woman he had believed as she cried for Joey was the same woman to shoot him dead. They had all been conned by the woman and her fake sob story.

His body felt like it was under water with fifty pound weights wrapped around each limb. Whatever she was dragging him was strong enough to keep him down but not enough to muddle his thoughts. He knew exactly what was happening and what he had to do.

But he knew he could plan until the cows come home but if he didn’t have the strength to move it’d be for nothing. The bitch was drugging him but thankfully it wasn’t with a steady IV drop.

Jill was only coming in to drug him what felt like every hour. If he was right he had about another half hour to himself. That was the only time he had to make a move. He knew if she drugged him again he’d be a vegetable unable to move for hours or even days as the doses merged together in his body becoming all too powerful.

With a groan Dillon tried to move his arms. There was a strap over his chest and restraints on his hands, nothing on his legs. If he could get one hand lose the rest would be easier.

With a curse he started to twist his wrist back and forth to loosen the material on the bed cuff.


Billie was relieved that they finally had a name to match to Kent’s partner but now they still had to wait. Dillon was in the hands of the woman who killed Joey in cold blood and stepped over his body to leave the office. Gage had found that Janis/Jill had a mean streak, there was no telling how she was hurting Dillon.

Both Nicholas and gage were on their laptops trying to track down a record of where Janis could’ve stashed Dillon. From what the group knew she and Kent spoke yesterday, with only a day of planning she had to find somewhere quick but secure to hide Dillon out of their reach.

She was pacing along the front of the couch as her team mates did everything in their power to help her bring Dillon back home. She was mid-pace when Justin stepped in the office and took her hand. He said nothing as he pulled her out into the hallway.  Her heart tightened with fear. She didn’t know how much more bad news she could swallow. “What is it?”

He noticed the struggle of emotion behind her eyes. “Relax. There’s nothing new to report.”

“You were talking to Pete right?”

Justin nodded. “He’s doing whatever it takes to keep a lid on this. We’re going to get Merchant back home before his superior’s can notice he’s missing.”

“I know what you’re trying to do and I love you for it but I can’t stand here and pretend I don’t know the statistics. The odds are stacked against us finding him in time.”

“We’re had worse odds and still manage to come out on top. This isn’t over Billie and if you let them win by giving up hope we’re all wasting our time. If he’s already dead in your conscious let’s call it a night and go home.” He had started out first trying to be kind and gentle and when that didn’t work he went into cold harsh truths to snap her out of it.

It was working. “You’re a pain in the ass.”

“It’s a hard job and someone has to do it. Come on,” he took her arm. “let’s pump ourselves full of coffee while Nick finds his stroke of genius.”

Billie’s laugh was a lot like cries as tears rolled down her cheeks. “If Sasha was here she’d make a joke about how his stroke of genius is how she got pregnant.”

He laughed with her. “I think she already has.”

In the kitchen Billie tasked herself with putting the fresh pot of coffee to brew. It helped to do something with her hands and momentarily forget the reasons her body felt so heavy with terror. She tried to put on a brave face as she noticed out the corner of her eye how Justin was watching her. She couldn’t blame him for waiting for her to crack, he was tense and ready to pick up the pieces if she did but she refused to let that happen. He was right, she couldn’t let Kent and his equally as unstable sister win.

She let her thoughts drift to Joey, remembering all the memories they had and would never get to build on replaced her fear with anger. There was no way Janis and Kent were going to get away with cutting his life so short. If there was anyone in this world that deserved justice it was Joseph Savich.

The kitchen door opened and Sasha stepped inside. Her eyes landed on the coffee pot nearly full. “Oh, thank god. I don’t think we’d be able to do our job if coffee wasn’t invented.”

Joey said, “A lot of people don’t need caffeine to get moving.”

“And a lot of people aren’t superhuman like you.” Sasha reached for a cup.

Billie appreciated her friends trying to pretend everything was normal for her sake. Watching Justin and Sasha bicker was a nice reminder of how things were back home before this nightmare began. “Have they found anything?” she asked.

Sasha’s lighthearted expression turned into sympathy. “Not yet. Kent had Dillon grabbed to prove a point and they haven’t done that yet. We have time.”

Billie didn’t want to point out that maybe they were wrong and Kent’s point could be to kill Dillon and leave his body for them to find. Yes Kent had a superior complex and wanted everyone to bow down to his beliefs but sometimes even fanatics wavered from the script.  Nicholas had told her about his meeting with the bastard and how he honestly doesn’t believe Kent and his partner would kill Dillon quickly without a deeper message. What Kent wanted more than anything was to be proven right and let out of his cell. If they didn’t find something soon on where Janis was held up they might have to play the game the bastard wanted and let him out just long enough to bring Dillon back home. At this point Billie was wiling to try anything.

The tree agents poured their office and left the kitchenette area. The hot liquid helped settle her nerves and having Justin and Sasha close helped as well. She wasn’t sure she could handle any of this if they hadn’t shown up in Boston like they did. She had been a fool to think she could work her brother’s case and it wouldn’t affect her as deeply as it had.

They were headed back to the office to wait when she noticed the front entrance door trying to be pulled open “Oh my god.” Billie dropped her coffee and raced to the door to help him.

Outside in the rain Dillon collapsed into her arms.

Sasha and Justin were quick to join them and help Billie get him up on his feet. “He’s burning up.” Billie’s voice shook as all that fear came soaring back into her chest. Dillon was here and he was alive but something was wrong.

“Get some blankets or towels.” Justin instructed Sasha as he helped Billie set Dillon down into one of the chairs. “It’s been raining all night.”

Billie shook her head. “He shouldn’t be cold not running a fever.” She knelt in front of Dillon and cupped his face between her hands. “Can you tell us what happened?”

His green eyes were out of focus as he struggled to keep them open. “It’s not over.”

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