how we met

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The new coffee place, on Central Ave, was packed with strangers waiting to get their hands on the most delicious coffee in town. People chattering, coffee spewing, and cash registers filling up with money. It was already a success. Although many people have walked into the small building, no one seemed to compare to this two groups. Four boys walked in and everyone stopped talking, many were confused, but many were shocked that they were at the same place they were. Among the many confused ones, Dakota Angle was trying to get her friend to settle down.

"Oh my, need to keep your voice down" She shushed her friend, looking around hoping that no one would notice her friend's inexplicable behavior.

Her friend did not follow her order, instead she went up to the mesmerizing boys at the cashier and asked for a picture. What her friend didn't think of, was to bring her phone up with her.

Paige, totally flustered with excitement and embarrassment, she motioned for Dakota to take their picture. Instead of bringing Paige's phone, she brought her camera. She brought the camera up to her eye and snapped the picture. The boy chuckled, which made Dakota very confused and Paige very happy.

"What's so funny?" She questioned the pretty boy. Paige smacked her arm, feeling embarrassed that her friend dared to question his sanity.

"It's just that...of all the photos I took, I've never seen someone take a photo with that." He chuckled, pointing towards Dakota's big yellow camera. Still very confused on who he is, she defended herself.

"No, no. This is actually for a project I'm doing." She fought back, hoping that no one would see her blushing cheeks.

"Okay sure." He chuckled even more, making Paige squeal with joy.
"No, I'm serious. I have to interview someone and take pictures of their life." Now, realizing what she said made her sound like a stalker.

"So, your project is to become a stalker." He said after he ordered his coffee. She quickly protested even though she knew she wasn't going to win this.

"Okay. How about I become your project. " He motioned for her to step out of the line and walked towards a table.

"What?" She wondered. She met this boy 5 minutes ago and she didn't know who he was.
"I don't even know you." She crossed her arms, she didn't like this idea of a stranger being the face of her project.

"Isn't that the point? You interview me, and you tag along and see what my life is like. Just think of it as getting to learn something different about me everyday." Her mind opened up a bit.

"Okay....fine." She gave up, she wanted to be done with this project and she had no one in mind.

"Should we start now?" He asked, grabbing his coffee off the counter.
"Yeah." She opened her note book and took out a pen.

"Hi, my name is Dakota Angle." She stuck out her hand, hoping he'd shake it.

"Hi Dakota, my name is Calum Hood." His deep accent fluttered through her ears. His enormous hands overlapped hers. She quickly blushed, feeling the enormous amount of red heating up on her cheeks, she pulled her hand away.

"And..uh how old are you, Mr. Hood?" Dakota read off her startup spreadsheet.

"20 years old." He took a sip of his steaming hot cup of coffee and continued to answer her questions.

"Um..what do you do for a living or what would you like to do?" She read the sheet as if she was some robot who was programmed to show no emotion.

"Well... I'm in a band." He was surprised that she didn't know who he was. He knew that not many people know who they were, but he would've guessed that she slightly knew who he was because of her friend.

"Is your band successful?" She trailed off and darted her eyes away from the boy and to her friend behind him, cheering her on.

"I think we're kinda successful. I mean we put out two albums and had two tours. So yeah I guess." He spoke as he took another sip of his coffee.

"okay." She closed her notebook and took out her camera.

"Now, you might be already used to this but every time something major happens or something I'm going to take a picture." She responded to his flustered facial expression.
She thought of way on how she wanted to take his picture, but she thought the easier way was to take one of him just enjoying his cup of coffee.

"There." She held up the photo to her face, seeming very please with how it turned out. She turned to show Calum, who was eavesdropping on other peoples conversation, and he smiled at her fine photography skills.

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