The mysterious person took of his hood "ITS YOU!!"i yelled, it was berny a friend of mine that betrayed me and joined the red army for money "hey jesse" said berny, "don't hey jesse me traitor"i replied, "harsh..... Hey wait you a traitor too, you betrayed president liam"said berny, "ya but he was gonna do something bad", "i know" said berny " the red army hacked in to Liam's computer" , " let me guess you were gonna take his money" i said, "yup. But now we know that he is gonna build an empire and a big one.... The red army sent me to find you so i could ask you if you would join us?"said berny, "tsk as if" i said
"but this might be our only chance to stop liam we have to work together and it'll only be this on time"said berny, "fine"i replied, i joined the red army but only temporarily me,berny and the red army are gonna stop liam

J-Chronicles Rouge
AksiFind out out what happens to jesse when he gets betrayed by the President himself