The Dareing Escape

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My own friends surrounded me at a Cliff "jesse stop this"said Matthew, "i cannot" i replied "to many innocent souls lost...... One more hardly matters." i jumped of the cliff with the plans of liam
"JESSE" yelled matthew, I landed in a tree, it was pretty rough be i could still walk "is he alive?" asked miguel,"i don't know." said matthew, I made it out of the woods and once i got out there was a food court in a shopping plaza "yes I'm so hungry" i enter a McDonalds and i order a bigmac because i haven't eaten in a day.I finished my bigmac but before i could leave i noticed that i was on the news. "if you see this person call the police he is a traitor to our country" it was liam he held a picture of me so everyone knows how i look like. Everyone in the McDonalds saw me on TV and they yelled, "ITS THE TRAITOR" "GET HIM" i ran out and everyone was chaseing me, someone yelled " ITS THE TRAITOR GET HIM" then more people came after me. I had no choice but to steal a car.I broke the window of a red mustang and HotWired it and i drove off..... Apparently someone called the cops there was cars and helicopters chaseing my car
"ah crap" there was a cliff in front of me i pressed the breaks but i was going to fast the car drifted of the cliff "AHHH"
I jumped out of the car and i landed on the grass "uhh..... How i still alive i feel from two cliffs today" and the car exploded "OH SHIT" I looked up and there was a shadowy figure with a hoodie in front of me "come with me if you want to live" said the shadowy figure, i followed him in to the woods

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