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4 years later......
Taylors POV.
Tomorrows my birthday. I'm turning 20!! And I'm going back to Cali to celebrate. When I say I'm going back to Cali I mean I'm going to be living there. Oh I forgot to mention I play college basketball now. I graduated From Tech Highschool with honors 3 years ago. I'm actually excited to see old faces. By old faces I mean Ethan and Grayson. Mostly Ethan. I'm gonna be living with my Bestfriend Yelen. It's been the best with her. Even when we had to tell this girl off for saying "karmas a bitch" then slapped Yelen.

"Hey load the car with you luggage we leave in 2 hours and you know there is always traffic so hurry and move Niggi."I say to Yelen

"Alright I can't wait to see our new house and have party's, it's gonna be lit everyday HOEE AYEEE!"Yelen replies

"Right we are taking such a big step yo and we gon slay these hoes too" I say hugging her

So we get to the airport and do everything were supposed to do. So now we just wait and get Starbucks.

When we reach to Cali....

"I'm back home finally." I say in relief

"Time to party like its 1999 hoe!" Yeli screams on top of her lungs


Everyone at the airport is either laughing and cheering or looking at us deadly or looking us up and down, but who the hell cares.

We were driving for about an 1 hour before we got to our house. Man it felt like eternity. (the house is in the media)
But it was definitely worth it. We got the house already with furniture so we wouldn't have to worry about all that stuff and furniture shopping. There's about 9 1/2 rooms and 8 bathrooms. The living room was big af. And we have a nice kitchen. I'm happy that the kitchen is nice because Yelen and I love to cook together and eat together. So after we explored the house, we decided to go to invite all of our friends that lived In Cali and have a house party. Yelen invited her friends and I invited mine. I texted everyone on my contact list except for one Ethan. I wasn't sure so I asked Yelen if I should.

"Hey yeli should I invite Ethan to the party I mean I haven't talked to him for a year."

"Yes invite him and see how things go from there." She says with a big smile.

"Here goes nothing." I say exhaling



Thx for reading❤️ love y'all

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