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*ring ring*

"Who's phone is that damn turn it off!" I yell

"Sorry it's my boyfriend hayes" Mel says

"BOYFRIEND" me and Yelen say in unison

"Yea it's been like 2 weeks I forgot to mention it"

"Ima kill you. Why didn't you tell us ? "

"I actually really don't know it just never came to mind" she shrugs

"Uh well if we are being honest me and Grayson are dating" I say

"REALLY!!" Yelen says


"Aw goals" Mel says

"Yea yea whatever go text your boo" me and Yelen say in unison

"Shut up"


"Maybe we're perfect strangers maybe it's not forever" i sing while I'm in the car with Grayson

"Your so beautiful" he says

"All you baby boy"



"Maybe the light will change us maybe we'll stay together" I sing to him

"Your so silly I love you"

"Sorry I don't"

"I'm playing baby" I say laughing my ass off

"Your so perfect"

"So are your eyebrows"

I give him kiss before the light turned green.

"Where are we going anyways" I ask

"You'll see"

"Fuck I hate you"

"You sure"

"Positive" I say licking his cheek

"That was wet"

"Yea no shit it was my tounge"

Yo is that Melanie and her boyfriend ? They cute they cute . I text her and say look up

"Hey bitch" I say laughing

"Love you too hoe"

"See ya later at the house have fun!"

She basically moved in but I don't mind because she my hoe. But it's been lit with her .

"You got me going crazy , turn me on turn me on"

"Hey babe where are we?"

"The beach where else"

"There's nobody here"

"I know" he says taking everything off

"Perfect timing" I say taking all my clothes off except my undergarments

"Race you"

"Beat ya"

"I let you win"


We play in the ocean for a little and I guess I got in the moment



"Come here"

Our lips crashing together and it feels right . Why does it feel right ? I never wanna let go. I know he never wants to let go .

"Never leave me mkay?" I say

"Wouldn't dream of it babygirl"

"We should get going it's getting dark"

"Yea I have extra clothes in the back if you want them"

"I'll take your shirt" I say smirking

"You look hot"

"Hahaha I bet I do"

"Damn girl"

"Your to much gray"

"So is that ass"


"I love you"

"Same her baby boy"

I kissed him one more time and we drove off . Best day since I moved here .

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