The Pumpkin Patch

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You and Niall have been married for three years and have a set of twins, one girl and one boy. They are almost three years old and can talk pretty well but both have their father's Irish accent.

Niall thinks they are finally old enough to carve pumpkins so you take them to a pumpkin patch. The weather is perfect. It's a little chilly so you all have on sweaters and sweatshirts.

You and Niall walk hand in handwith Noel (nowle) and Noella (No- elle-uh) walking ahead of you guys. Niall slowly leans in and whispers,

"Look at 'em, just like their mother. So beautiful."

You blush and say "No, just like their Dad. Same accent, same appetite." You chuckle as you watch Noel try to eat a pumpkin.

"Oi! Noel! Don't eat that!" Niall says realeasing your hand to run over and scoop up Noel.

"You wanna eat pumpkins? Well maybe I should eat you!" He begins pretending to eat Noel as your son erupts into fits of giggles and laughter.


You look over and see Noella struggling to lift a pumpkin. You chuckle and make your way over to help.

"I want dis one!" Noel says.

Niall goes to help him and you pull up the punpkin for Noella.

"Tanks Mummy!"

You watch in amusement as she tries to carry the pumpkin.

"Here let me help."

You see Niall reach down and pick up Noella's pumpkin with his free hand with Noel clinging to his back and his pumpkin in the other hand.

"I want ride too!" Noella says with a grin.

You shake your head and smile while lifting her onto your back.

"Last one to the car's a rotten potato!" Niall yells taking off.

You tighten your grip on Noella and take off full speed behind him.

You start to pass him and he tries to speed up but you make it to the SUV before him.

"HA HA! Mummy kicked yo' butt!!" Noella says teasing her father.

Niall pulls the best puppy dog face he can and pouts.

"Aww, it's ok, you can still be the 'macho man'." you say pecking his lips.

"Ewwww!" The twins yell in unison.

"We'll continue this later." He whispers in your ear causing goose bumps to form on your skin. 

You get Noella into her car seat as he does the same with Noel. He winks at you from across the car and you blush.

You sit in the passenger seat and Niall slides into the driver's seat.

"Nice to see I still have that effect on you." He says with a cheeky smile placing his hand on your thigh.

The rest of the car ride was filled with playful banter between the two of you and the twins.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2013 ⏰

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