ch. 1

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"I love you" he whispers in my ear. "I love you to" I whisper back.

I'm currently laying in bed with the love of my life. No I haven't met his family. And yes we've been together for a year and 5 months.

Everyone at school knows about us except his brother, who I haven't even met. He's a year older then us. I'm 17 and turning 18 in August. Even though my name is Winter and I'm born in summer doesn't mean I'll melt. Other people melt over me. I'm currently the most popular girl in school. And Hayes is the most popular guy in school.

What a clichè in a movie. Am I right?

But its fine. His brother is a college student so he doesn't get the latest gossip on who's dating who. And school is almost over (In a month) and me and Hayes will he going to different collages next year. He wants to meet my family and he also wants me to meet his.

His family isn't home right now so were just laying on his bed together. His family should be home any minu-.

The heavy front door slams shut. "Hayesy babe? You home?" I look up at him from the spot I'm laying on his chest "I think your mommy wants you Hayesy babe" I joke.

He kiss's me and says "let's go meet my family. My brother should be here soon to. And don't call me that" We get up and walk down the stairs.

"Can you help me wit-" she looks up at me "oh. A girl! What's your name sweetie?" She asks so kindly. I can't believe I haven't met his family before!

"I'm Winter." she smiles "I'm April. I like your name, were both months of the year." She's very enthusiastic. I like her.

I smile "ya my whole family has names like mine, or there unusual. My little sister's name is May and my moms name is Autumn." I tell her.

Then a cute little blond girl came up to me and said "hi I'm Skylynn, I'm 7 years old and I'm fun i like making short videos with my brothers but I also like making long videos with them and my favorite color is pink. Has anyone told you your really pretty? Your really pretty I wanna go shopping with you. I heard you say you have a little sister named May, how old is she? Can we have a play date if she's my age?" Damn she talks a lot for a girl her age.

"Yes I have a little sister she's the exact same age as you. I'd also love to go shopping with you sometime if that's OK with your mom." I say as I bend down to her level. "Cool!" She runs upstairs and I stand up straight.

Some long haird boy with amazing blue eyes walks through the thick doors "mum I pulled up to the house and your trunk was open and the groceries wer-" he sees me and pauses. "Wow. Um..." He puts the groceries down in front of the door. "Back off! She's mine!" Hayes says.

"I know, I know." He snickers Hayes then says. "ya. You know but you were damn straight thinking of screwing her, weren't you?" Hayes says referring to me.

"Oh give it the fuck up. Your not going to keep her for long. And a girl like her? Who wouldn't want to screw her?" Nash asks, I can tell Hayes is getting frustrated with what he's saying about me.

"Boys! Your little sister is in the next room! Stop swaring and give it up! Winter is not a trophy!" I totally agree with her, I'm not a prize to be won.

Nash shoots back at her "were not even screaming! Your the loud ass! Now im screaming and Skylynn can hear you god damn it! She probably couldn't hear a word we were saying till your loud mouth joined in!" He also has a point.

I can't believe this is all happening on the first day. "Don't use that tone with me! You might not live with me but I'm still your damn mother!" She says.

"Ya and I moved out at 15 because you always came home drunk! You may seem better now but that ruined my childhood! Now I understand why dad left when I was 10!" Hayes never mentioned his dad.

There was a silance after that. Hayes grabs my wrist and pulls to to the heavy wooden doors and brings me to his van. "Baby I'm so sorry you had to see that. That's why I hesitated a year just to let you meet my family. Were not in the best shape right now I can't believe that they acted out like that with yo-" I cut him off by crashing my lips onto his. The kiss was really passionate, full of love. Real love.

I don't want him to have to talk about it unless he wants to and I saw the tears forming in his eyes.

I pull away "Babe, you don't have to talk about it until your ready. I'm here for you whenever you need me, I'll be ready to talk to you when you are." He press's his lips back onto mine.

We release once more "thank you so much for being so supportive and understanding. And that's why I love you." He says and kiss's me once more before starting the car.

I can't believe how lucky I got to have such a boyfriend like Hayes. He starts to drive and I see one of those tears slip away. I wipe it off his cheek. He looks at me for a minute and begins to sob. He pulls over and we were right next to a beach.

We go in the back seat and I hold him in my arms. He's crying and I'm holding him by my chest stroking his hair gently. "Sshh. Its OK baby. I'm here for you." I gently say.

"I hate seeing you like this." I began tears forming in my eyes "I love you and I don't want this kinda stuff to happen to you. Even though were going to different collages next year. And if something happens to us, we will always be close. No matter what. OK baby?" I say with my mouth against his hair. Right then I begin to cry

"No matter what" he repeats. I wipe his tears and we fix up a bit. We walk on the beach for a bit. We held hands and found a nice spot to sit.

It was the right time of day because the sun was just setting. It was a beautiful moment. My baby puts his arm around my shoulder and I lean into him.

It was silence. But not the awkward kind. The peaceful warming kind.

Hey guys! What do you think? There's so much drama already! Tbh I don't know why I did that. I can't believe Winter had to see all that! I'm so sorry for what I'm putting her through. What do you think of Nash?

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