ch. 2

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Me and Hayes found a hotel and slept there the night. No we didn't do anything. We just needed time alone for a bit. I told my parents I'm sleeping over Gabbie Hanna's house. (my best friend) Hayes told his mom he's staying at Cameron Dallas's house(his best friend)

we just chilled there the night till the morning and then were going to head out to my house. To meet my family. My mother and father have really thick British accents but me and May have slight accents.

My family is also very enthusiastic like really enthusiastic.there also energetic like little kid after ice cream on a play ground kinda.

We sat in bed the next morning talking about my family and why I didn't let him meet them before. "I hope you are ready to meet official crazy" I say throwing a shirt over my head.

"Ready as you were yesterday. Listen I'm still really sorry about that." He's laying with a blanket over his bottom half and no shirt so o can see his abs.

"Its fine! No worries. I just hope my family doesn't do anything stupid today." I say as I'm zippering then buttoning my jean shorts. I lean over the bed and kiss his lips. "Come on Hayesy babe. Let's get ready." I mimick in a joking way again.

He tosses off the blanket reveling his boxers. He puts his pants on and just carries his shirt through the lobby and I so saw the woman behind the front desk checking him out. When I saw that I stood in front of him blocking her view.

We got in the van and drove half an hour to my house. With the music on. Our song came on, on the radio, life of the party, by Shawn Mendes. He's one of Nash's friends and Hayes met him a few times. They text and stuff like that, he has some connections.

We sing the song. And when its over we giggle and wait for another song to come on. Right before it came on we pulled up to my house.

I kiss his lips softly and then pull away. I get out of the car and walk in with him.

"Mom?" I drag the o.

"In the kitchen sweetie!" She calls back after a minute. We walk into the kitchen and I see my mom with her apron on and her hands in some doe.

She looks up and sees Hayes. "Oh my god hey!" She wips her hands on her apron and holds her hand out to shake. "And who might this young man be?" Mom asks looking at me referring to Hayes.

"This is Hayes, my boyfriend." I say shyly. They let go of hands

"I didn't know you have a boyfriend. How long? 2 weeks? 4?" She says that with her hands on her hips.

"1 years and 5 months" I say quiet standing next to Hayes with my hand on his chest.

"Oh, well May is in her room if you want to meet her."

Are walk upstairs. I show him my room for the first time.

Hayes pov

I go into Winters room and see her huge bed first. Then there's a shelf that goes all around the room a little higher then my eye level.

I see a picture of this really good looking boy.

"Winter! Winter!" A little burnet girl comes running in the room. "Hi strange boy!" She says to me.

"Winter! Winter! Guess what Ashley said to me today!" Winter bends down at her eye level. "What did she say to you?"

"She said 'I hate you and your ugly' then took my doll and stomped on it! Its head fell off! So then I took the head and I used it as Ashley cause that's the doll she always uses." Damn this chick is violent!

"Did you tell mommy?" Asked Winter. May twisted her foot around and said "no" in a very low quiet voice.

Winter sighs and says "OK" she stands up back to my level. May walks out of the room but when she gets to the door she stops and turns around. "I'm sorry, I'll tell her right now."

"Hey, Winter?" I ask looking at the picture of that boy again, he has dirty blondish hair but its more dark then light, he had really pretty green eyes like Winter's. The picture was of him and winter standing next to each other at the beach.

"Yea?" She asks walking over to me. "who's that?" She looks down "oh, uh I thought I told you, um" she chuckles awkwardly "that's my brother, he died last year, he was 19, I was only 16," she takes in a long breath "he died from brain Cancer, he was fighting it for 7 years and my parents didn't tell me till his third year of having it." She begins to tear up.

"He was the best sibling I've ever had, he was the one I went to with my problems, and advice, stuff about relationships that even I didn't understand." She wasnt even looking at me, she was staring at the picture chocking her words out.

I hug her, she puts her hands on my neck, her grip lose though.

I let her cry into my shirt, and mummble things about her brother. "Do mind me asking what his name is?" I ask as she pulls away.

She plops herself on her bed and says "his name was Zach, he was the best brother a girl could get" she says just with a stuffy nose from crying and a red face.

I took just one look at her and it killed me seeing her like this. I kissed her feeling bad for her because of her brother,.

I really love her, she's not like other girl I've met, not to sound cheesy but its true.

I think on day I'll marry her, she's an amazing person.


What do yall think of this chapter? What about Winters brother? And her family? Anything?

Lol okkkkk

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