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I can't process where I am or how I got here. I need to move. I need to run. what from ? why do I need to run? I push my sore body off the ground standing on my feet, I feel vulnerable and weak. Hairs on my neck stand up in warning. I'm not alone. Something is watching me. I stand completely still not to make a sudden move. Run now. I'm too frozen in fear to run. Everything appears so calm and natural from the grass to the trees. I can't see a threat or reason to run. 

Run. I can't process the reason behind my strong feelings of fear. Why do I sense such things when whats presented to me looks so natural and comforting. Just go. I turn around to look for a way to go, everything is just forest, there is no right way. So I walk without thinking much of it I trip over a branch laid before me and half catch myself on a tree, causing my knees to ache from the impact and my arm to throb. Scorching tears swell up in my eyes as the pain radiates in my weak body. I struggle to stand again this time noticing the large gash in my arm from the rough tree bark I so clumsily tried to hold onto. Its not safe here I can't stay. I start again walking but this time I watch carefully each step I take. I'm not sure if my body can take much more impact before it gives up and shuts down. 


After what seems like hours of walking I lift my head up to focus on where I am. I see the moon light gleaming on something not so far away in my line of vision.  A little slither of hope overcomes me as I start walking again to reach it. My heart is beating fast just wanting to get away from this endless forest. I stop realizing whats in front of me is a paved road. I let out a sigh of relief to have a sense of direction again. Just keep walking. There has to be a end to this road. By this time the sun is starting to wake up the wild life around me as everything remains orange for a few minutes. It must around 5:30 am to have this much light out. I stop and do a full on look at whats around me, this is just so beautiful this simple paved road with green trees on both sides and a perfect rising sun hitting the mountains in front of me. All my aches and pains seem to fade while I realize the beauty nature provides for me in such a trivial time. 

Looking forward I walk with a slight spring in my step knowing that this road can't go on much longer. While going along I pick at my brain trying to realize how I got I ended up laying in the middle of no where, nothing comes to mind. I can't recollect anything from my past. Did I even have a past? Where did I come from? Who am I? 

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