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After me and Austin got my stuff packed into my car I went home after he left a cliché goodbye kiss on my cheek. When I got home I left my clothes in the car so I could set some of my stuff down first. As I made my way past the kitchen a note on the counter caught my eye.

Hey ri, me and dad are having a business trip for about 2 weeks. We left you enough money to last you but if you need more just call us and we will put it on the card we left.

love you

-mom and dad

I scoffed and pull out my phone, dialing my mom's number. I wait while it rings and I pick at my nails. Once it finally stops ringing it goes to voicemail. I sigh in disappointment and make my way outside to unload my car.

Once im done unloading my car and everything is in my room I go to take a shower. When im done with my shower I wrap my hair up in a towel and I go to put on some lazy clothes since I have no plans for today.

I decide to wear some of the new things I bought since I bought a lot of lazy clothes because im just a lazy person. It consisted of a red flow shirt, black joggers and some black, white, and Grey socks. After I had my outfit on I unwrapped my hair and threw it up into a messy bun.

I decided I wanted to just eat and watch Netflix since I have school tomorrow and I need to catch up on the vampire diaries

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I decided I wanted to just eat and watch Netflix since I have school tomorrow and I need to catch up on the vampire diaries. I wasn't a fan at first but Taylor sat me down one day and forced me to watch the first episode. Then I became addicted and downloaded Netflix so I could finish. (True story actually)

I went into my bathroom and took out my contacts and put them in their little case. After I put them back into the drawer I pulled out my glasses that i only wear when im alone. Taylor is the only one that has seen me in my glasses. They are the rectangular ones but they aren't the huge dorky ones, the nice sized ones.

I pulled my laptop out and then closed it after choosing to watch it on my TV instead. I went to Netflix and set up the show but I felt like I was missing something, I know I am. SNACKS! I paused the show and pulled on my uggs since it was a little cold outside. I went into the bathroom and i was about to put my contacts back in but then I just said screw it and left.

I grabbed the credit card off the counter, grabbed my keys, and headed into the garage to my car. Once I was in my car I started it up and backed out of the garage.

I set my GPS to the closest supermarket since I don't usually go grocery shopping, my mom does. But since she's not here for 2 weeks I guess Im going to have to get used to it. Once I pulled into the parking lot of a krogers which was only five minutes away from my house, I got out and grabbed a cart.

I went straight to the candy aisle when I got in. After I got like 20 bags of of candy I went to the chips aisle and so on. After about 20 minutes of getting fatty foods for myself I finally got done and headed to the front to get checked out. My total came to about $120 but its all worth it when you have 4 and a half seasons to catch up on.

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