Failing in Love

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Failing in Love


2:30, Monday

St. Peter's High School, Miami Florida

Lennox Greene-sitting in bio with Nick. While my bimbo teacher blabs

The green, oval, thick-rimmed clock seemed to be speeding, proving my theory ( the one where everything was going faster than usual today) correct. The teachers spoke faster, the hallway traffic was faster.The girls in the locker-room finished gossiping faster, which was surprising, cause this was a pretty huge school, and the jocky girls finished their basketball game faster.

Why? I had absolutely no clue, but it seemed to be absolutely awesome.

"Yes, so class, long story short, the original classification of orgasms- I mean organisms didn't work out so they made a better one," Miss Tremm rushed, then gave us her most fake warm smile.

"Class dismissed," she mumbled, running (literally runnig) out of the classroom.

She was shortly followed by a mob a crazy girls who resembled star-struck fan girls.

Crazies, I thought to myself, chuckling. That was pretty funny.


I'm funny...

"Hey, can you stop making that creepy face and tell me what the hell is going on today?"

A slight gasp came through my pink lips. "God," I placed a tiny hand on my chest. "You scared me Nick."

I shot a glare at my best friend, who clearly was not in a very happy mood.

"I asked something," he whined like a brat.

Nick was used to the girls all focusing on him, so his annoyance was anticipated. But it was still bratty.

I shrugged broadly in his face. I, being his being his best friend was used to this. "Shoe sale," I suggested.

He furrowed his perfect eyebrows boyish-ly.

"Trust me; I would know if there was a shoe sale. Plus Fall sales have come and gone. Decent deals on uggs and shit are gone," He trailed out loud.

"Gone like the wind," he felt the need to add.

I rolled my eyes at him.

Leave it to this freak to overthink the excitement of stupid stereo-typical teenage girls, and a 25 year old woman.

"Let's just go home," I accidentally snapped. Nick wasn't being himself so fortunately he didn't pick the irritation out in my voice.

He picked up his books and mine, and held the door open for me.

My eyes grew a little as I watched him leave the classroom.

"Why are you being so..." I tapped my chin thinking for a good word.

Uncharacteristically sweet?

"Chivalrous," I struggled with the pronunciation.

He tapped my nose and said it correctly.

"And do you remember that girl Jordan I was with?"

I nodded with a sigh. "Yes, Nick. I fear I'll never forget."

He laughed as I winced at the memory of stumbling across them very active in my bed at my last birthday party.

"Her name was Jane," I said in a ring-a-bell tone, as he literally danced through the hallways, nodding at some of his friends.

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