Chapter One

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I pull myself out of bed as 'Bulls in the Bronx' starts playing alerting me that school is in two hours. Even though I shower at night before bed I still like to wake up two hours early to make sure I have everything done. I make sure my bed is made, my room is always cleaned, now I wait for the world to wake up. I sat beside my window for about thirty minutes and I saw the sun coming up so I grabbed my camera and took off for the trail behind my house. I love coming back here to take pictures of the sunrise because I usually catch a few deer in the picture. The sun was a golden color and it was absolutely breathtaking. By the time I got home my sister had gotten her children ready for school and they were headed to the bus stop. My mom was sitting at the table drinking her coffee and smoking a cigarette. I absolutely hate cigs. They're ghastly. I poured me some Cheerios and went back to my room. My phone rang and for a second my heart raced as I thought it was my boyfriend Joseph. We'd gotten into an argument last night and I wasn't caving in first. I always do! He never says he's sorry or anything when he's clearly the one that started the argument. My heart dropped when I saw that it was only my friend E'Laura.
"Hey bro you okay?"
" Eh I'll be fine. Our arguments only last a few days."
"Dude I don't know why you're still with him! You deserve WAY much more!"
"E'Laura, you're doing it again."
"Doing what? Being a good friend?!"
"You know what I mean."
"Yeah, yeah. So have you listened to anymore Pierce The Veil?"
"YES and omg I didn't know that that guy was the lead singer!" I'd always see pics of him on the band pages that I like on Facebook but I never knew what band he was in. When my friend suggested I listen to their music I had already been in love with Victors face. When I heard his voice and felt the truth and the hurt and all the joy and love behind his lyrics I just love him completely.
"I didn't tell you?"
"No! You didn't tell me he had an obsession with tacos either haha! That's like my favorite food!"
"Easy there cowgirl. I knew you'd like their music. So you know how your birthday is coming up?"
"Ha DUH! It's MY birthday!"
"Well remember how you said I was your best friend until we become old and die? Well it's about to get better!"
"What'd you do?"
"I E'Laura the beststest friend ever has gotten us two tickets to see a pierce the veil concert next Saturday!"
"I'll call you back. I'm gonna go scream now!" I hung up and rushed to my bed and screamed into my pillows. I flopped on my bed and rolled over to face the wall where my poster of Vic Fuentes was hanging. "I may meet you next week!"
"ALAYSIA SIMMONS GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!" I heard my mom screaming. I ran out of my room into the kitchen. "Yes ma'am?"
"How many times have I told you to keep Jaime off of the couch?" Jaime was my puppy. I named him after Jaime Preciado from Pierce the Veil. I fed tony my turtle who is named after Tony Perry, another band member. My car is named Mike but that was before I knew the band. Coincidence ? I think not!
I heard a thud coming from my room and looked to see if she had heard it. She hadn't. I grabbed my old Wiffel ball bat from when I was five out of the closet. I pushed my door open and saw someone standing by my window so I attacked!
"OWOWOW ALAYSIA ITS ME!" I hadn't realized my eyes were closed. I just knew I was beating this shit out of this person. I opened them to see Joseph's face. I jumped off instantly.
"It's called using the front door idiot!"
"I'm sorry I just wanted to come over and apologize to you." I rolled my eyes at him. Things are always the same with us. He does something, I get mad. he comes over. He apologizes I forgive him every single time. I hate that I forgive him. But we've been through so much together that I just can't let myself be mad at him. I love this guy way too much... Maybe that's my problem. I hadn't realized I wasn't paying attention to joe because it snapped me back into reality when he picked me up and hugged me. I instantly got butterflies. I wish I didn't though. I'd never touched anything sharp in use for self harm until I met Joseph. He doesn't hurt me not physically, but emotionally I'm screwed.
"So babe your birthday is coming up."
"Yeah. So?" I hated for people to even mention my birthday. Turning 18 is like a big deal in my family for some reason. But for me it's just another year to live.
"Well I wanna do something special for you."
"What? You're actually going to clean your side of the closet? It's a mess!"
"Won't autumn just come and clean it?"
"Yes but why make her job harder? she already makes breakfast for us, lunch, dinner, does laundry, cleans. Then she has to come and clean up your mess as well." Autumn was our maid obviously. When I was twelve my mothers father found us out of nowhere and showed up to our house with this envelope. Now in this little white envelope our lives changed drastically. Well my grandfather is a billionaire. And he had been searching for us because well we weren't in the best situation but I'm not gonna get into details on that. Well he gave us half of his fortune. My mom is his only child and he wanted her to be taken care of. But when I was fourteen we moved into this frumpy town and I hated it. But a few months passed and I met Joseph. And my now best friend E'Laura. I'm glad my mom chose this frumpy town. Things have been pretty great.
"Earth to Alaysia?"
"Huh? Oh, sorry. Lost in thought."

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