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The moans and voices were still playing his mind. The images of them kissing were still playing in his mind. Jong Dae let out a scream as he covered his ears as tightly as possible. He screamed further as he threw his whole body onto the bed, rolling side to side, trying to stop the painful past to play in his mind.

"Stop... Please stop..."

He whimpered as tears streamed down his face. It had already been ages since that incident happened but Jong Dae could remember it vividly and as much as he wanted to forget about it, he could not.

It was a day during winter. Jong Dae was back from work as he took off his coat and placed it on the sofa. He wanted to surprise his boyfriend as he crept towards the bedroom, knowing that he will probably be in the room watching shows. But as he crept closer, he could hear the giggles and moans coming from that room getting louder and louder. With the curious mind he had, he took a peek through the cracks of the door. His eyes widened at the sight. Min Seok was half dressed at the bottom as he was kissing someone against the wall. His eyes caught sight of Jong Dae peeking through the slight cracks of the door. He widened his eyes as he broke the kiss immediately, opening the door and running towards the shocked Jong Dae.

"J-Jong Dae, hear me out."

"No Min Seok... N-No..."

He promptly held Jong Dae back by his wrists as he swung Jong Dae to face him.

"Jong Dae, let's break up. I don't love you anymore."

The words hit him like needles. His heart shattered into pieces as he processed the words being uttered. He was left in shock and tears of pain before flowing down his cheeks endlessly. The other guy took a step forward as he hugged Min Seok's arm and interlocked their fingers together.

"Min Seok dont love you anymore. He only loves me, isn't it Min Seok?"

"Yes my Luhan."

Their lips crashed together as the supposedly-called Luhan placed his arms around Min Seok's neck and Min Seok's arms around his waist to pull him closer. Looking at the sight in front of him, he turned and dashed off immediately, running as fast as his legs could carry, running as far as he could before he crumbled to his knees. It was cold but he did not care. He shivered in the cold but he made no effort to run for shether of warmth. He wished he could just die now. He wished he did not have to face this again. He wished...

Just then, he felt a jacket being placed onto him. He turned behind, only to realise it was Min Seok.

"Jong Dae, keep warm, alright? Even though I'm not with you, just keep on living your life. Keep on working in that bar alright? Continue making drinks and creating more drinks, okay? I'll always support you and drink your creations... Goodbye..."

The shadow of Min Seok and Luhan was now getting further and further away. The cheerful laughter from both of them was getting softer and softer. Not long later, the fog had hidden them. Jong Dae continued to cry even more, heart breaking even further.

Jong Dae was now on his bed in a crying mess but soon he recovered before he headed out towards his work place.

"Oh boss! You're back!"

"Afternoon boss!"

He could still see the drinks that he have created on the menu. He smiled at the sight of it. He has long quitted as the boss already and has passed his business to his friend who was really keen in drink making and bartending to take care of it instead.

"Oh hey Jong Dae!"

"How's the bar doing, Jun Myeon?"

Yup his friend was Jun Myeon. He came from a wealthy family, both parents are teachers with high education and to him, a million dollars was actually nothing. His parents wanted him to be a teacher as well but after going to a bar once and seeing how cool a bartender was, he pursued his dream and that's when he met Jong Dae and Min Seok. Min Seok was in the same class as he was really into barista and bartending.

"I've always wanted to be like one of the barista..."

He could still remember the words he said. Jong Dae wanted to be a singer actually, singing in cafes and bars for the public to enjoy but after meeting Min Seok, he had decided that he wanted to start a bar and a cafe with Min Seok but his dream ended shortly in a year when Min Seok had an affair with that girl like features Luhan.

"Your bar is doing fine! Everyone really love that "HopezDream" drink! Hey where's Min Seok?"

Upon hearing that name, Jong Dae bit his lips as he stared at the silver short haired male in front of him. He had not let Jun Myeon know about them.

"We actually broke up already..."

Jun Myeon bit his lips as he stared at Jong Dae with a sign of regret.

"So sorry about it..."

"It's fine... Can i have a "Sorrowz" drink?"

"Alright coming right up!"

As Jong Dae sat in his seat, waiting for his drink, the first time he met Min Seok came to his mind.

It was a fateful sunny day during summer. Jong Dae was on some beach as he sang to the song that he was listening to. Just then, he heard a praise from someone in front.

"Hi! You really have a good singing voice!"

The moment he placed his eyes on the male in front of him, he could not take his eyes off. Standing right in front of him was a male of chestnut brown hair that lied perfectly on his head, with a baby face but biceps and definition of hotness shown all over him. He was also in a muscle tank that hence showcased his beautifully built biceps and a pair of black shorts that seemed to hug his firm thighs in place. Even though he was wearing shades, his eyes sparkled under the bright sunlight.

"Oh you know the song?"

"Yup! That was literally my jam ever since I was young!"

Jong Dae was taken aback. He never knew he could actually find someone who know such a old song and moreover, it was a song that never received much love from the public.

"Can you sing it again? I like to hear it!"

With that bright grin on his face, Jong Dae could not reject him at all. That was how their fate started, with occasional meetups and concidental bumps. More words get exhanged between each other as time passed and soon, they were holding hands and giggling everywhere they went with frequent pecks and cuddles.

Jong Dae missed those times. The times when he had everything...

"Ya! Here's your drink!"

The sound of the glass knocking hard to the table brought Jong Dae back to reality. There was a undecidedly twist to the grin on his face. All Jong Dae had left was shattered dreams and a broken heart. Pain hit him as he downed the drink in one shot.

Just then, he saw a lonely figure at a corner of the bar, downing drinks just like him. It was weird because it was not someone who he had seen before but that back of his attracted Jong Dae and soon, his feet was already heading towards him.

"Hey are you alone?"

He did not reply but that face of the stranger was comforting and before he knew it, Jong Dae was already spilling out his life story.

Author's Note:

Yay another chapter :D I've actually written this long ago for this weekend project ~ Hopefully yall will like it ^^ Do comment XD Next part will be posted next Saturday, 22 October 2016, 12pm SGT ^^ Stay tune ~ This fanfic is centered on chanbaek & xiuchen <3

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