Chapter 3

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The Door opens. someone comes running up the stairs and says "Jack, Mac got stabbed by a trap and died everyone is panicking what do I tell them?"

"Just tell them to bring the body back here and we will bury him with the others and by the way this is Sam"

"Nice to meet you Sam my name is Lexi"

"Um hi"

"what happened to your arm" Lexi asked Sam.

"I got hit by a car but let's go get your friends body ok we'll talk later" Sam said.

the three went and told the others what to do and they buried Mac in the graveyard they made for the people that passed. but after the funeral an ape with a spear jumped from a tree and 3 more apes followed. Jack handed Sam a sword and they killed the apes.

"what the heck was that?" Sam asked

"the normal monsters around here" Lexi said.

"How did the animals end up like that?" Sam asked.

"most likely drugs" Jack said

"it's becoming night let's get inside the house and go to bed" Lexi said.

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