1) No copying another's work. If this is seen happening, you will be banned from the awards.
2) Only one entry per person. To allow an opportunity for more users to be awarded for their work, we limit each user to only one entry per awards season.
3) No advertising. We limit the amount of advertising we allow for your stories entered-regarding the People's Choice segment. You can only advertise your story being entered in one chapter of the one book you have entered. You cannot advertise in books that are not entered, you may not make posts to your message board or anyone else's. We would prefer for you to not message people privately, although we have no way of monitoring that. You can also not blackmail other users into voting for your story rather than someone else's. I doubt this will happen, but I figured it should be said anyways.
4) No cheating. You cannot create fake accounts to vote for your story. If something seems suspicious, we will monitor it. You may also not vote for your own story. As for an Admin's Choice way of cheating, if you know someone IRL that is a part of this group, please don't try to convince them to vote for your story. We try to keep ourselves anonymous so this doesn't happen.
5) No sore losers/winners. A sore loser is someone who did not place and is saying that they should've-or something along the lines of that. Sore losers will have the book they originally entered temporarily banned from being entered. Sore winners are those who placed, but complain about how they should've received a high placing. Sore winners will have their book removed from the designated reading list, taken off the Winner's List as well as the same punishment received by sore losers.
There will be consequences for those who break these rules. Keep that in mind.
Essential Guidebook
RandomHave a question? Be sure to check here first. This is your guide. This will help you to understand how things work around here. This includes rules, schedules, etc.