Chapter 1

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Oh i'm mad. It deleted 1,785 words -_-

Okay, so I don't have a bed.

Or a room.

Or well....a house in that matter. No parents, but I do have a brother but he's...he's somewhere else, you'll learn where later this chapter.

I do have some things. Two. One is my phone, a Galaxyexpress3, I know, pricey phone, but hey...I want one nice thing. And the other, is my book bag with all my things in it from school, as well as stolen items.

Today is Friday, the alarm from my phone woke me up at five thirty this morning, as usual, I get up and steretch for a moment before quickly leaving the boxes I choose to sleep under that night. I don't mind sleeping outside for now but once it's Winter hopefully I'll find somewhere to sleep but that doesn't really mean my own house, just a place I'll squat for a while probably.

I give a sigh and head to the only place open this early, and it's a little shop that an old lady works out and the place has no cameras, like she wanted to be a victim of thieves and honestly? That's what she is. I walk in and look around, and today I choose a pair of skinny jeans and a short sleeved black shirt and shove them in my bag while no one looks.

I don't care if anyone sees anyway, I mean if they do I have enough time to leave, it's happened. But today, no one sees me and I just walk out with the bag of clothes and head to the bus station that has a bathroom and lucky for me, showers so I strip down and shower, just like I do everyday I quickly wash up, the hot water doesn't last very long and when I'm done, I simply get dressed, brush my teeth and hair, put on my make up, and I leave.

It all takes longer than you think, about one hour but most of that is taken up by the long walk I have to take, as well as stealing which may take longer than I want at points, but it's okay because I do not get caught. I brush my hair back and walk out, leaving my unneeded clothes behind because, I can't wash them anyway.

I head to school which is another 30 minutes away, but it's okay because the route I walk is always very quiet and peaceful, plus I get to see the sunrise which to me is always amazing. Their are some good things to waking up very early.

I get to school and walk around, getting looks from some people but I just smile and wave at them, though I know they are looks of discust I choose to ignore that part because I don't really care.

I get to my locker and see papers taped to it. "Ooh! Coligraphy!" I state when really it's just crappy handwriting that have even worse and used up insults like whore and slut. I tear them off and throw it on the floor before opening my locker, which was then shut. I turn around to glare at the guy.

"Whatta want Parker?" I asked with a cold glare. He smirks.

"Hey, calm down, I have money." he says jokingly. I shrug.

"I coast more than you have, trust me." I tell him and turn around working on the combination again. He grabs my wrist

"Look at me when I'm talking to you." he states. I roll my eyes.

"Listen Parker, if you couldn't see, I am trying to do something here, you see, I actually bring my stuff to class but you on the other hand probably don't care which is why you are failing and the coach plans to kick you off the team." I say. The grip tightens and he put a hand on the back of my neck.

"What did you say? what did you say punk?" he asked me. I roll my eyes.

"Oh, what? You need a hearing aid too?" I ask and he pushes my head forward, making a loud ringing sound in my ears. A head hitting a locker, not a pretty sound...and it hurts like hell. I hold my head and glare at him. He smirks.

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