Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"What do you think?"

Jack stared up at the huge chair that had been built for him, making a total of seven that were lined up in the form of a U, and they were very high up. A platform was built into the curve of the U, smaller chairs circling this platform from solid ground, all of which were in good condition, but none compared to the elegance of the seven chairs that towered over them all. Jack used to sit in one of those smaller chairs, but now Felix had moved him to be with the other Experts almost immediately after hearing the news of his accomplishment.

Each chair had a theme and main color. His new one was an emerald green, blue and black patterns were imprinted on the crystal like substance that the chair was made from. Its top was jaggedly shaped, as if spears were sticking out from within it. It didn't exactly look comfortable, but Jack went to sit in it anyway "I-it's kind of... big" he managed to gasp as getting into the huge chair alone was a hard task, especially for his weakened body "b-but it looks cool" he was eventually successful in sitting down, pleasantly surprised to feel that it was actually comfortable with little to no padding.

"From now on, it's your official place" Mark suddenly broke off from Felixs' side and went to sit in his own chair. Jack had always found it odd how Mark's chair had been built. It was padded with dark red leather, and had red crystals decorating the seams that sowed it all together. The crystals glowed faintly, as each individual piece had a fire blazing from inside it. But overall, it wasn't as complex as some of the other chairs. Jack's gaze traveled to the feet of Mark's chair, which had to be the weirdest part. The chair literally sat on four small wooden boxes, and that was it. Just four tiny, boring, everyday wooden boxes. The only reason they were there was probably because of Mark's own Character, which Jack had to admit was also very weird.

Jack reached into his pocket of his hoodie and pulled out the large eye that he had tucked away in there for easier carrying. They looked at one another for a while, and Jack just couldn't help but grin at the sight of it "my own Character" his heart skipped a beat "maybe not even my last!"

"Have you managed to establish the connection yet?" Felix went over to stand by his chair so he could examine the large eye.

"Uh... Not exactly" Jack lifted the eye to his face "but I'm getting some kind of message... I just can't figure out what its saying."

"Just give it time" Mark suddenly chimed in, making Jack look at him. He blinked as he saw a very small cube in his hand, fitting perfectly into his palm "for me, it took a few days... But Tim eventually came through."

"Tim... What a weird name for a box" Jack kept looking at the wooden crate in Mark's hand, just barely seeing two eyes on the surface of it from the great distance between their chairs "a box with eyes is weird enough as it is...then again, so is a giant septic eye."

"Okay, time to put your friends away" Felix suddenly said, hitching a thumb at the chamber entrance "the gathering is about to begin."

Jack sighed, recalling the rule of the chamber in that Characters cause distractions, so they should be sent to the Antechamber before a gathering so everyone could focus. Jack gave a little wave goodbye to the large eye before he let it disappear with a flash of green light.

Only seconds passed and he instantly felt lonely. Felix sat down in his own chair, which was the middle one, giving him a clear view of every single thing. Jack sighed, his view of Mark obscured due to him being on the opposite side of Felix. Not to mention that Felix's chair was gigantic, made entirely of colored glass that reflected light so intensely that it appeared to glow.

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