Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"Skip! Come here!"

A white cat with a few patches of brown on its head and tail suddenly slinked out from the tangle of wires that decorated one of the corners of MatPat's technological playground; going up to the theorist himself, who was sitting in the middle of the floor with a screen held up to his face "there you are!" MatPat put down the screen down and scooped up the cat into his arms, holding it close with his face buried into their soft fur "oh Skip, this is going to be the hardest thing I've ever done..." MatPat lay back, letting the cat rest on his chest as he looked up at the ceiling "I'm about to go up to one of my best friends and tell them something that's going to make another one of my best friends really depressed, and no one is going to have a good time."

MatPat craned his neck so he could look at Skip, who didn't seem to mind lying on his chest "any advice?"

Skip simply raised a paw and began to lick it, using it to clean his face as well as the fur behind his ears.

"Keep it clean?" MatPat was looking for a hidden connection where there obviously wasn't one "right?"

Skip then stood up and hopped off his chest, going off somewhere else, leaving MatPat to lie there awkwardly. He watched him go before sitting up and retrieving the screen he had set aside "poor Jack... poor Mark..." MatPat sighed and started looking over his theory one last time.

He jerked up as he heard the door creaking open, and he turned to see someone standing there "oh, hey Jon" MatPat stood up, making sure not to accidentally kick Skip "I'm guessing you found Mark?"

"Oh yeah, it took a while... He was out in the Wasteland" Jon hitched a thumb towards the outdoors "he's still not very happy about it."

"Who can blame him?" MatPat sent Skip back into his Antechamber before tucking the screen away into his pants pocket "I'm guessing Felix wasn't kidding about 'as soon as you get back' huh?"

"Nope." Jon moved out of the way so MatPat could walk out "Arin and Danny are gonna tag along, too... Me as well" Jon looked up at Felix's apartment at the top of the central spire "up there, with no distractions."

"Wise choice... As long as no one loses it... I assume you're my ride?"

"Yup" there was a flash of green pixels before Jon suddenly grew a pair of large green wings "so, how do you think Jack will take it?" He asked as he let MatPat grab a hold of his arms.

"I honestly have no idea" MatPat hung on tight as Jon stretched out his wings "but for someone as hyperactive as he is, he's awfully mature. I'm sure he can handle it one way or another."

"I hope you're right" Jon muttered before taking off, knocking the wind out of MatPat as the upward force startled him, but Jon refused to let him slide out of his grip until he was safely secured onto the balcony of Felix's apartment.

"G-Give me some warning next time" MatPat gasped, clutching his chest as Jon set him down and let his wings disappear "p-positive G forces are much easier to handle if you're in the correct position! Going straight up, face first, is not a good idea!" MatPat gave him a halfhearted glare "remember my reasoning when I outlawed Link's Hookshot?

"Yeah, sorry" Jon apologized over the powerful wind, the green pixels of his wings being swept away by the deafening gust "come on, we should get inside!" he called as he grabbed the door and pulled it open, nearly losing his grip as the wind almost tore it from his fingers.

MatPat quickly ducked into the apartment, dragging Jon in after him before turning and helping him pull it shut, which took an immense amount of effort since they were working against the wind.

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