Chapter 3

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A crowd of students chatter on the way out of the sliding door. (Man, the sliding door should be the one of the main characters)

I kept put in my chair, pulling at my hair. "This isn't good" I mumbled
"Yo Wakana, hurry up, stop day dreaming about me" Kiba waved from the front of the door smirking.
"AS IF!" I eruptly stood up arms straight down my sides with my knuckles clenched.

"Oooooo Kiba and Wakana sittin' in a tree~" Naruto sung/sang/singed/sanged while swaying to his awful singing.
"Don't you dare finish that song Naruto!" I tried my best to sound "scary" but I ended up sounding like a donkey squealing.

"K-i-s-......e-e........I-N-G" Naruto started making kissing noises.
"THATS IT!!!" I ran...... well tried to run down the stairs to chase Naruto and Kiba so I can suffocate the air out of them.

"Kiba, we don't even have to run, we can just walk" Naruto whispered into Kiba's ears while snickering . Kiba just smirked and watch me as I stumbled down the long, long, long ,long 6 steps stair.

"I HEARD THAT!!!" I screamed while flapping my arms around.

Finally! I made it down the last step and dased towards the two. Hehe they didn't see me coming.

"ARHHH NARUTO BEHIND YOU!" Kiba yelped in surprised. Poor Naruto and his reaction time. "Whatcha say Kiba-AHH!!!" I jumped on the small kid's back and pressed all my heavy weight on him, making him thump onto the hard wooden floor and squirm underneath me like a worm.

"W-A....WAKANA, I C-CAN'T BREATHEEEEE!!!!" Naruto squirmed and clinged onto every ounce of air he can take it.

"Hahaha why don't you continue that song Narut-"
"WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON IN HERE!!" I turned my gazed upwards and saw Iruka-sensei hovering above us, with his shadow casting over like a demon.

"Ermm...." I scratched my head trying to think if an excuse while still sitting on Naruto's back who was passed out by now.

"Out. NOW!!!" Iruka boomed and pointed at the sliding door.
"Okay, okay I'm coming" I slided off Naruto's squished back and stood next to the frightened Kiba, who was tightly hugging his small, vulnerable dog.

"I'll be waiting outside with the others." Iruka stormed out of the room and slammed the sliding door shut.

"Kiba" I called, while staring at the lifeless Naruto.
"Huh? Yeah?" Kiba snapped out of his frightened, girly state and turned his gaze on me.
"Ya the man here, so you carry Naruto, I'm outta here, and... GOODLUCK!"

"Woah. W-WAIT!! WAKANA!!! DON'T YOU DARE EXIT THAT SLIDING DOOR!!!" Kiba shouted out to me while I dashed towards the sliding door.

I stopped at the door and heard and small sigh of relief.I turned towards Kiba and said
"Adios amigo!" While waving at Kiba but he just cocked his head in confusion while holding one of Naruto's arm up with both hands.
"Oh...Au revoir!!" I waved again, but he just raised an eyebrow.
"Byeeeeeeeeee!!!!" I screamed and ran down the hall way to the right.
"WAKANAAAAA!!" I heard Kiba curse my name and echoing through the hallway.

"WAKANAAAAAA!!" As I ran down the extremely long hallway, I heard my name called again. But, it didn't sound at all like Kiba.

"WAKANA!!" I heard my name again, but much more clearer , indicating he's RIGHT BEHIND ME. I just took a small glance behind me and saw and red, storming Iruka-sensei, stomping towards me.

"Oh is it?" I sarcastically replyed by accident making him think I was trying to jig.
You can't blame me not knowing the place, I just got here about 2 and half hours ago.

My thoughts were rudely disturbed by and really harsh tug to the back of my dark blue hoodie.

Slowly, my body was turned to face and very, very scary man.
"How are you Iruka-sensei?" I tried breaking the awkward silence and start a conversation.

Iruka said nothing but made this weird hand gestures.
"Yo man, I'm not deaf ok (no offence to anyone, and sorry if i offended anyone), stop doing that I-" wait a second, thats the handsigns I read in the library that makes a-
in a second my arms were pressed against my side and a very thick, hard material pressed against my body.

"Ropes?" I questioned while looking downwards on my prisoned body.
"Yes. Now keep quiet" Iruka commanded and started to drag me to the opposite direction.

Ooooo free ride, awesome now I can take a nap.

The moment my eyes were going to shut, I turned to my right and saw an extremely red and sweaty Kiba, balancing Naruto on his back, while his little doggy on his head. He should be a gymnast.


Pizza Out

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