A Narry Imagine Part 1

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Y/N P.O.V.

He had done it again. He called me by another girls name.

"So you want Lovato, instead of me? I knew it. Why couldn't I have seen it sooner?"

"Y/N, I didn't mean to," Niall said nearing to tears. "This was the only time!"

"No, it's not, you've said it every night in your sleep this week when I got home from work. It's Sunday, Niall," I whispered.

I felt a knot forming in my throat and tears forming in my eyes. I sat down on the couch and buried my face in my hands. Tears flowed freely. He sat beside me and pulled me close to him. I wanted to stay like this forever but then again I wanted to push him off me and call him an ass, but it wasn't his fault. Soon it would all come to an end. His feelings would yearn for her and would forget all about me. Our long lived romance would be just another memory. The worst part is that I'm pregnant 3 weeks, I haven't told him the truth yet. I'm 21, finishing my senior year of college with a sturdy job. I know I can't do it alone but I'll have to work hard to make ends meet somehow. I cried harder knowing that starting tonight I won't have the father of my child to help me.

"Niall" was the only thing I could say.

I finally hugged him back my head was on his chest and his face was buried in my hair. I could feel his tears falling on my shoulder. We stayed like that for what felt like hours. We stopped crying finally, taking deep breaths to compose ourselves. He looked me over, blue eyes bloodshot from crying. I took one glance at him and broke down again.

"Don't cry, Y/N. Please."

I turned my head, wiping my tears away with the heels of my hands.

"Niall, I can't do this. I don't want to hurt anymore than I already am," I said walking to our bedroom.

"What!? No, no. Baby, please. No, don't. I promise it won't happen again just, please. Y/N, I love you."

My mouth parted. He had never said that to me ever. I don't know if it was from the heat of the moment or if he actually meant it. It had stopped me momentarily but not long enough to stop me from starting to pack up my things.

"Didn't you hear me?! I said that I love you. I fucking love you, Y/N!"

I turned around, my blood beginning to boil.

"Niall. Don't you think I love you too? Well, I do. More than you can even know. I love everything about you! Your beautiful eyes, your gorgeous smile, your lovable goldenly chocolate locks. When you run your fingers through your hair when you're stressed, just like you're doing now. When you close your eyes as I tell you the stories about my day. When you play with your nails and fingers when I catch you staring. When you look me straight in the eyes when I talk to you. Niall, I wouldn't notice those things if I didn't pay attention. I pay attention because I love you!" I screamed. "You're scrunching your nose, you do that when you're angry," I pointed out.

He pushed me roughly against the wall, holding tightly to my wrists.

"I'm angry because you love me back."

"What?" I was confused.

"You actually love me back and now you're leaving me!"

"Niall, you're hurting me. Physically and emotionally, don't you understand? Calling me by Demi's name? You don't think that hurts? That means that you've been thinking about another girl. You're gonna forget all about me. Us being together will only be a memory."

He loosened his grip on my wrists, soon dropping them to my sides. A tear fell down his cheek. He looked at me with concern, soon enveloping me into a back breaking hug.

"I'm so sorry, De-"

"I'm done," I said cutting him off.

I hurriedly gathered some clothes into a duffel bag, grabbing my phone, charger, wallet, and my car keys I left the bedroom and went, slamming the door behind me. I felt empty without him but I know that I'm doing the right thing in the end. I called Harry and told him I was coming over.


I didn't even get to knock on the door before he opened it.

"Y/N are you okay?"

I pushed past him, not feeling like talking. I plopped down on his couch and set my stuff on the floor. Harry sat beside me with a worried look on his face.

"Y/N, talk to me. What happened?"

"Niall called me by another girls name and I'm pregnant."

"Wait, what?! I don't think I heard that correctly."

"Yeah, you heard it right. 3 weeks," I said, tears arising.

"Did you tell Niall?"

"No. He doesn't deserve to know."

"It's his kid too, Y/N."

"I don't care."

"Be reasonable."

"No," I said coldly.

We stayed silent for ages, Harry was the one to break it.

"Well, I don't know what to say about the situation, except that you can stay as long as you'd like. You can sleep in the guest bedroom and whatever is mine is now yours."

"Thanks, Harry."

*F I V E Y E A R S L A T E R*

"Mama-mmama," cooed Marci, slapping her hands against the plastic table of her high chair.

"What is it, baby girl?"


"Marci wants some Cheerios?"

She nodded her head vigorously, slightly rocking the chair.

I grab the box from on top of the refrigerator and pour some on the table. I put the cereal back. I played with her hair making her laugh. She looks so much like her daddy. Green eyes, long curly chestnut hair, deep dimples, she's gorgeous. Jace on the other hand looks like me. Blue/hazel eyes, dark brown hair, long eyelashes, fair toned skin. They've grown up so fast. Just as I was thinking about them, Harry walked in with Jace on his hip. Both of their cheeks were pink and the were breathing heavily as they came in from the autumn weather. Jace had a worn football in his hands and his varsity jacket slung off his shoulders. Harry gently put him down and walked towards me.

"Hey, baby," he growled in my ear, dragging me closer to him by my hips.

"Harry, stop."

I pushed him away, a smirk playing on my lips. Lust was beginning to fill his eyes.


"The kids are watching, stupid," I said playfully, giggling at his banter.

"Good," he said taking his lips in between his teeth.

He pulled me back to him and lightly kissed me on the lips. As he let me go, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Jace volunteered.

"Come on, buddy," said Harry.

Harry walked out with Jace's hand in his. I heard it ring again and the door open. Harry gasped and screamed my name. I got Marci out of her high chair, disrupting her from eating her Cheerios. I slung her on my hip and went to the living room. Harry was standing beside the door, outside was Niall. My ex from three years ago.

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