Ch 1 music

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"AGHHHHHH!" I said.

"Oh what's wrong now." manga replied. Manga and I are walking in the woods like we do every Friday. "You are a leader! A freaking leader. Before me and I'm a year older. You got a animal before me to!" I said. Book warriors and leaders fight with animals Manga has a tiger she lucky because those are one of the rarest to get. "Ha oh Music I'm a book leader and you are a Music warrior. Book leader most likely last five years but Music leaders last they life." Manga replied with a weak smile. "Are you ok, you don't seem you." I said I knew Manga ever since I was seven. Manga gave a fake smile. They so easy to tell. "oh I'm fine just. Little stressed that all!" I have to say she charged ever since she became leader she more stressed and it worries me. "So what do you do when your leader." I asked.

"Well you need to fight everyone who challenges you and when my warriors need to fight people you send them I'm like a army leader."

"That sounds so cool can't wait till I'm one." I said.

"Oh Music I'm sorry but I need to go... leader stuff to do." Manga said. She lying she would have told me hours ago. "Ok see you later!" She started running back to our town. She so lucky that the Manga leader lived near her but the indie leader lives like half the freaking country away. I look back to see if she gone, I start running home I live alone my parents both died when I was born but the crazy thing is that no one knew them! When I got home I notice that the church was full. that weird today Friday there should be no mass. "Music are you going to the wedding?"i turn around and see Jerome he a fluffy animal but wears a suit and can talk.

"What wedding?"

"Manga's wedding silly."

Wait manga getting married with out telling me. Why?! "To who?" I asked.

"Dub-step because ten years ago books and music were having a war and now a book leader and a music leader must get married!" Out of all the people it's Manga. She getting force to does and I need to stop it. "I have to go!" I tell Jerome I started to run I found out the wedding is in two hours. I go to this place where me and Manga mate. She fell in it an I saved her that was a moment she became best friends and I......... fell in love. "Hello." I see a girl sit next to me she had long brown hair with highlight that are blue big glasses to. "Hi who are you?" I asked."Im lovely and I'm a fighter." Fighters are people who fight with nothing. "I'm music."

"You look sad."

"I am."

"Why is that?"

"My best friend is force to get married."

"Why don't you stop it."

"I can't."

"She Manga right?"


"Well you can kidnap her and travel so you can become leader of a group and stop it."

"I can do that."

"Yes and something better."

"What that?"

"Confess your love."

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