Chapter One (Edited)

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Hey everyone quick A/N this story is getting a complete fix. This is the first chapter that is updated each chapter will have a A/N to let you know what has been updated and edited. I hope any of the old readers enjoy the revised story and any new readers hopefully you enjoy the revised version and feel lucky you didn't have to deal with my 13 year old writing lol. Enjoy either way much love Xxxx

Today is the 17th of July a very important date I must say. It's my birthday I will be turning 16 but I think it might be beneficial to tell hyou who I even am, my name is Ophelia River- Weasley. I'm not a real Weasley hence why I have two last names. I was adopted by the Weasley family when Voldemort killed my parents. I've lived here with them ever since I was two years old. They were ever so gracious to take me in. Before I moved in with them, my real family we lived in France. They were very wealthy people and well known but their money couldn't save them from the things they were involved in. Or so I've been told however no one has ever bothered to tell me the real story. This year though I am starting Hogwarts for the first time because before I went to Beauxbatons. My parents left loads of money behind that's how I afforded it. Plus if anything ever happened to my mother it was her wish for me to go to her alumni.

I laid in my bed a little longer then I usually do just soaking in the warmth from the sun seeping through my window. My thoughts wondered to a green eyed and dark haired boy whom I got the privilege to meet through Ron about five or so years ago. I mean who can't remember meeting Harry Potter in my house? It was the day mom was yelling about Fred, George and Ron sneaking out to save Harry from his muggle aunt and uncles house. As I hear it their house is more like a prison for Harry if anything. Sighing I decided I better get up out of bed before my brothers start pounding on my door obnoxiously. I opened my door letting the delicious scent of pancakes and eggs hit my nostrils. Oh how I love pancakes and eggs for breakfast on my birthday. Quickly I ran down the stairs finding Hermione at the table and my mother making breakfast. I took a seat next to her  happily hugging my friend.

"Morning."I said pouring some orange juice into a small glass for myself.

"Morning dear happy birthday."mum said.

"Thanks mum."I replied happily

"Happy birthday."Hermione said and I smiled back

A loud sound erupted through the house signaling only one thing. My obnoxious brothers running for one thing and that would be just food any minute I was sure mum was going to scream at them for running through the house and being loud. To my surprise she just let it go continuing to cook breakfast.

"Food done?" Three male voices asked at the same time

Mum gave a scowl and set my eggs and pancake on my plate, I looked at them and smirked before digging into my food.

"Ladies first epically on special days." I said stuffing food into my mouth.

Fred snorted "You're no lady Ophelia."

My face turned instantly to a death stare that could probably frighten You Know Who. As the table began to fill with my family I got plenty of birthday wishes and jokes. But that's my family so I expected it, I mean I have had to deal with it for fourteen years now not that I'm complaining. The day passed with ease like always, I had the usual birthday cards and gifts from a few family members, old friends and then the Weasleys of course. I went upstairs to my bedroom and snuggled up in my window seat with a journal of my mothers. It was one thing I received for my birthday last year. Often times I'd just stare at the pages and imagine her pen against the pages writing in perfect cursive. Her smile would flash in my mind from the few pictures I had gotten to see of her. Most of the Rivers things had been sent away and locked up, Dumbledores orders and no one was to go against it.

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