Doctor's Appointment

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It felt like I had been sitting here for hours. But in reality, I had only been sitting in this chair for 10 minutes, tapping my foot away on the white tile floor of the gynecologist's office. Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate the gyno or anything; I mean I was well aware that appointments were only there to help, not harm, but this checkup was different. Rather than the usual annual appointment, I had to call in and schedule one because I felt that my lady parts were becoming hypersensitive.

And while this hypersensitivity was beneficial for sex (mind shattering orgasms, oh my god), it caused some issues while I was in public. My body could become aroused at any time from just the slightest of touches. My thighs might brush together harmlessly, but my stomach would begin to knot and a heat would quickly grow in between my legs. So maybe it felt good at times, to get a small wave of pleasure through my body, but it became a bit of a problem when, at the worst times, I had to suppress my moans by biting my lips.

So I was hoping that this appointment would help me find a "solution" to my problem. I was praying that some magical pill would reduce the sensitivity in my nerves and allow me to somehow go back to living normal life. Trust me, as great as persistent arousal may sound, it does put a strain on living.

"Um... Jessica?" The nurse called, reading my information off of her clipboard. I stood up quickly, ready to get out of the daunting waiting room. I followed behind the nurse as she read off some basic information about what I had to do once I got into the room where I would have my checkup done. She gave me the usual instructions; to change into the paper gown with only my bra on underneath and to sit on the cushioned chair, making myself comfortable.

As she left me in the room, I mentally told myself that if for some reason I became aroused during my appointment, I would use every muscle in my body to push the feeling away, because nothing is more embarrassing than get turned on in front of your doctor. I changed into the paper gown and did my best to sit down comfortably on the exam table, but my nervousness was getting the best of me and I kept shifting around. I crossed my legs because the doctor would be between my legs soon enough, and then I uncrossed them two seconds later fearing a throbbing in between my legs. I stayed restless before I heard a knock on the door, and a male figure appeared. I was aware that my usual gynecologist (a nice woman who was by far the best doctor I'd ever had) was on maternity leave, so I was knew that I was going to have a temporary doctor, but I wasn't expecting a male doctor. A very attractive male doctor who definitely was not helping my arousal situation.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Stan, but feel free to call me Sebastian. So then, Jessica," he smiled politely before looking down at the clipboard and continuing, "You probably knew that you wouldn't have your regular doctor, and if you are uncomfortable with me as the temp, I am more than happy to call in another doctor." It was most likely a wise choice to have a different doctor, who I wasn't attracted to, come in but my mouth went against my brain, and I affirmed with him that I was comfortable with him staying. Which I technically was, but it was just that I was comfortable with the idea of him being between my legs for other reasons, and I didn't realize that my self control would be put to the test within a couple minutes. Fuck.

He did some confirmation of medical facts and had me update my insurance plan due to me having a new job, and after all the routine things were done, I was forced to face the distressing task of explaining my reason for scheduling an appointment.

"So based on your records, I see that this isn't your annual checkup, so what seems to be the reason that you've come in today?" he spoke, his eyebrow furrowing as he sat down on one of those small doctor's chairs. I could feeling my legs begin to tingle with just the look he gave me.

"Well, it's sort of— I don't really know how to describe it, but I feel that I am a lot more sensitive and I guess that extreme sensitivity turns into... Well, I just think that it becomes a persistent arousal," I spat out quickly, trying to not look as red and embarrassed as I felt. I fidgeted with my hands and wearily looked up at Sebastian hoping he wouldn't be totally shocked or God forbid, start to laugh at me.

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