He's no good

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"I had a really good time with you" she whispered as she stood in front of her house. Randy smiled and stuffed his hands in his jeans pockets. "I didn't think I will, but you proved me wrong," she said. She quickly pecked his cheek and turned around to slide her key in the lock.

"You know, you don't have to go with Cody" Randy told her. Kelly slowly turned around and stared at him. He was right. She didn't have to. "I never said yes to Cody, but-"

"I'm telling you Kelly, he's no good. I'm surprised no one has told you about him" Randy said shaking his head. Kelly rolled her eyes and opened her door. Before Randy could step in she turned around and raised an eyebrow at him. "I thought I could come in?" he asked, smirking.

Kelly giggled and placed her hand on his rock hard chest. "I'm tired and I have to meet up with your sister first thing in the morning" she told him. He grabbed Kelly's hand and brought it to his lips as he slowly began to kiss her fingers. Kelly closed her eyes and bit down on her lower lip. "Randy..." she trailed off.


He wrapped his strong arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Kelly's hand rested on his bulging biceps, and she stared into his deep oceanic blue eyes. "You'll be with Eve in the morning anyways. So I'll see you," she whispered. Kelly started to feel uneasy being wrapped in Randy's arms. It was different and wasn't suppose to happen.

He shook his head and stared at her lips. "I won't be there," he said. She looked confused and Randy immediately let go of her. "I'll see you later" he said before he turned around and jogged back to his car. Kelly watched him pull out of her driveway before she closed her front door. She sighed and leaned against her door. This isn't suppose to happen, but it is. She's starting to fall for him all over again.

Randy parked his black hummer in Eve's driveway and got out. He looked up at the house and sighed deeply. It was going to be hard for him once he had to go back to New York. He started to walk up to the house and once he reached the front porch he rung the doorbell. After a minute or so Eve opened the door for him. She yawned and stepped aside for him to come in.

"Oh my gosh, why do you have a goofy smile on your face? What did you do with Kelly?" Eve asked, starting to worry. Randy chuckled and shook his head, he was starting to walk up the stairs and immediately Eve called his name again. "Randy, why are you doing this? Are you just playing her-"

"No goddammit!" he yelled at her. Eve's eyes widened and she gasped at Randy's outburst. She walked a little closer to him and he shook his head in frustration. "I'm not playing her Eve. Stop bugging me about it" he said more calmly. He turned back around and jogged up the stairs. Eve was speechless. She didn't know how to react and why Randy was so concern with Kelly. How did they click so fast anyways?

Randy walked into his room and closed the door behind him. He immediately pulled out the papers he stuffed in his pocket earlier and read the profile. He pulled out his phone and sent a text message to Chris before he took another good look at the photo. Randy walked over to his night table and pulled open the drawer. He picked up his gun and stared at it before stuffing it in the back of his pants. Leaving his room lights on, he immediately left his room and out the front door again.

Alex rung Eve's doorbell and looked over at Kelly. She pulled her curly blonde locks to one side of her head and smiled at him. Eve opened the door and hugged Kelly tightly before giving Alex a small hug as well. "Come on in guys" she said enthusiastically. It was 9am on a Saturday and Kelly did not want to do this. Of course Alex bugged her to take him here and so she agreed to. As she followed Eve to her kitchen she started to glance around to see if she could spot Randy. Sadly there was no sign of him. He afterall did tell her, he wasn't going to be here. She sighed and took a seat by the kitchen counter and stared at Eve.

"So, what's up?" Kelly asked casually.

"First off, what are you doing with Randy?" Eve asked her back. Her hand was on her hip and her head was slightly cocked to one side. Kelly began to open her mouth and Eve stopped her. "Kel, I don't want you to get hurt. I understand you guys have a thing for each other, but Randy will soon be returning to New York" Eve told her more empathetically. Kelly bowed her head and played with the rings on her fingers.

Eve glanced at Alex who frowned at her. "She'll be fine Eve. She knows how to take care of herself," he told her.

Eve sighed and leaned over the counter, taking Kelly's hand in hers. "Whatever happens, I'm on your side. Always" she said. Kelly nodded and smiled at her. Eve dropped Kelly's hand and pulled the notebook she had with her last night, on top of the counter. "I am so excited for this party! Honestly I think Mike, might just..." she trailed off and suddenly Kelly looked over at Alex. He looked oblivious to what was happening and she understood that he genuinely did not know what Eve was about to say.

"Yeah" Kelly quickly cut her off. Alex now looked confused, he kept kneeing Kelly with his knee, but she ignored it.

Alex shot her a glare and she could see it from the corner of her eye. She wanted to avoid giving him answers for now, anyways. Eve clasped her hands together and looked around the house. "I need to grab stuff from the basement and bring it up. Alex, can you help me?" she asked, blinking her big brown eyes at him.

Alex beamed and immediately jumped off the stool he was seated on. He followed Eve out of the kitchen and to the basement.

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