Megan walked into school, slightly shaken from the events of the previous night, to be greeted by Jed and another friend, Ellie, at her locker. She began to explain to Jed and Ellie her strange dream, including the hand print. They both disregarded her suspicions and told her she must have slapped herself by accident. Slightly annoyed with the answer she received, Megan began walking to form. As she strolled past the art corridor, she could hear a loud, booming, scouse voice from the nearby classroom.
"Stage five, shut the fuck up!"****
After school, Megan was chilling in her living room with her cats when she received a message. This was odd as she smashed the living shrek of her normal phone and she had a new number completely so nobody had her phone number. The text read:
'I'll fucking bash you all over. Think you're hard Meg? You messed with the wrong death note fan. Just you wait until tomorrow. -L"
Megan, despite her ultimate toughness, was scared shitless. Maybe it was a wrong number sent by someone who just happened to be threatening a hard Megan? It was sent from a private number, possibly a landline or public phone, so there was no determining who it came from. Megan began to scour her mind of the past few days and of all the people she had sent threats to. It was a long list however none of the people were capable of finding out her phone number. Especially Michael, who recently stapled his arm as a dare.She decided to take a break from her phone and travelled a mighty venture to her PS4 where she logged in and instantly had a reply from Michael.
"You fucking dare brick my windows you scrub. XD you're shit at cod"
Megan laughed at his stupidity and replied:
'You diss my call of duty skills and I'll diss your face with a brick!!1'****
It was the next day, the day Megan was fearing. In the back of her mind, something told her that whoever texted her was just joking and nothing would happen to her. She woke up at her 6.15 alarm just like every other morning. It was an all round casual day for Megan and everything was okay. When she got home, a scrawled note was on the edge of the sofa.
'Megan, I'm going out tonight with the squad so I won't be back until really late thanks bye :)'
'well shit'
Megan realised she was going to be home alone for the night which also meant she was still under threat of the anonymous texter. Waddling into the kitchen, she opened a tin of cat food where she proceeded to dish out spoonfuls to her cats. After a while, it was starting to get dark so Megan decided to head off to her comfortable bed. As she got changed, she climbed into her bed and it warmed up quick enough. Just as she was about to go to sleep, she heard a small scratching noise. Nothing major, just a small clawing noise coming from the attic upstairs. It seemed pretty scary considering she was home alone and despite her efforts, she couldn't sleep. It gradually got louder and progressed into a loud whining noise. Megan was frozen shitless in her bed.
'What the everliving shit is that?'----
Thanks for reading chapter 2 everyone I've decided I'll post maybe 3 or 4 times a week rather than just every monday so yeah pls stay active Heworth art table and i hope y'all like my storyline thanks again bye :^)