"Layh You Gotta Accept It." i heard Emery's Voice But Didnt Listen. The Pain. Not Phisically But Emotionaly. She Was Gone, And I COULDNT Accept it.
"Emery i Just..." i Managed Through the Tears, " I Cant. i Cant Accept It. i never Will." i looked Up At Him. His Brown Eyes Filled With Concern. He Pulled Me In his Arms And I Gave In.
"Awe Layheen," He Paused, " i Know Its Hard. Imagen How it Is On Me? We Have To Accept It Though. She'd Want Us To." I Relaxed In His Arms, They Were Warm... Familiar.
"I Know Emh, I Know." I Paused To Let Myself take A breath, " But I Cant Believe It." He Rested His Head On Mine.
"I Know Layh, I Cant Belive Shes Dead Either."