OK... Maybe Not!

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Hey guys! I know I said I needed five votes to carry on, but... I received two votes and three comments on the last chapter, which is the most I've ever received before!

The beginning of this chapter is going to look bad, as you guys didn't want me to take Freddie out, but please carry on reading!

Love, Ola xx

"What did you say?!" I demanded, my breathing starting to get quicker.

"Elle, I'm really sorry... But, I can't stay here anymore!" Freddie apologized, looking me in the eyes. "I have to leave."

"Freddie..." I whispered, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"OK... Maybe not!" He muttered, coming to hug me. "Elle, please don't make this any harder for me."

"Hard for you?!" I managed, pulling back and wiping away my tears with the back of my hand. "Freddie, you were the only person I could fully trust in this world! I loved you more than myself! And then, just like Luke... You leave me too."
By the end of the sentence, my voice had quietened to barely a whisper, as tears rolled down my face.

"Brielle," he sniffed, a lone tear slipping out of his left eye. "I am  really really grateful, for everything you've done for me! And I will always always love you!"
I shook my head.

"Just go, Freddie." I turned my back towards him and started rubbing my arms, like I was cold.
And I was, without Freddie.

"Can I just give you a hug, first?" He asked.
I took a deep breath and nodded, as he bounded towards me, wrapping his arms around my lower back tightly.
I took a wad of money that I had in my jacket pocket, and stuffed it into his pocket without him noticing.
He'd need it.

"Bye, Freddie." I whispered, a knot had formed in my throat, leaving me unable to speak much.
With that, he pulled back and ran away, without looking back once.
I immediately took out my phone and texted Dodger.

B: Help.

A few minutes later, he texted me back.

D: What's wrong hun?
B: Freddie's leaving. Forever.
D: D'you wanna talk to me? I'm on the boat if you need to.
B: I'll see you there.

I locked my phone and began to run towards the boat.
I needed someone to talk to now that Freddie was leaving.

"Dodger!" I breathed a few minutes later as I stepped inside the boat/house.

"Elle?" Dodger came out from his bedroom and smiled, coming over to hug me.

"He's leaving." I whispered into his chest.

"Why?" Dodger asked, pulling back with a raised eyebrow.

"I dunno," I shrugged. "I got upset and just told him to leave."

"Hey! It doesn't matter!" Dodger said, wiping away a traitor tear that had escaped my eye. "You were right to be upset! He just decided to leave without an explanation or anything!"
I nodded, but stayed silent.

"Come into the living room." Dodger said, guiding me to his bedroom/living room.
I plonked myself down on the edge of the bed.

"Do you ever feel like running away?" I asked, looking at nothing in particular.

"Oh, all the time!" Dodger nodded, coming to sit next to me. "Especially after Texas died."

"Who?" I asked.

"Tex was my girlfriend. I loved her with all of my heart and..." Dodger's voice faded.

"You don't have to carry on." I mumbled.

"And... She was going to marry my brother."
I nodded, not really wanting him to get more upset.

"Did your brother love her aswell?" I asked.
He laughed and shook his head.

"He said... He said, that he only wanted 'er, so I... So I couldn't 'ave 'er."
I gave him a sympathetic look and got up.

"Sorry for bringing up bad memories," I apologized. "I'm really tired, so I guess I'll have an early night tonight."

"It's OK," he nodded. "I think I will too."

"Bye then." I sighed.

I slowly left Dodger's boat/house, my hands stuffed into my jacket pockets.
That Texas girl. Dodger said that he had really loved her, but she was getting married to his brother. But then, how had she died?
Did Dodger...?
No! I shook those thoughts out of my head. He said he loved her! He wouldn't.
I was cut off my train of thought when I realised I had reached my house.
I opened the door and went straight to Freddie's bedroom, not talking to anyone.
I lay down on his bed and closed my eyes tightly.

Hours later, I was finally about to fall asleep, when a figure came into bed with me.
It was so dark, that I couldn't tell who it was, until he/she said,

"I didn't leave, Elle."


Please carry on commenting and voting guys! I really enjoy reading your comments!!

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