Chapter 9 .: Familial Bonds :.

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.: Chapter 9 :.

Familial Bonds

      “You’re still up?” Sicham’s voice called into the dim candlelit library. “I thought I saw you go to bed three hours ago.”

      Luna looked up from her book, her voice was gravelly as she replied, “You know I can’t... don’t sleep.”

      With only mild concern, it seemed, he said, “Then you’ve been awake for the whole time you’ve been here?” She didn’t reply. “Don’t you get tired?”

      At the mention of this, Luna’s head throbbed. She might have been tired, but the thought of the dreams was more daunting to her. Annoyed that he’d brought it up and reminded her, she snapped without thinking, “What’s it matter to you?” She regretted it instantly, seeing the flash of hurt in his eyes. Sicham had only asked her out of concern. He was one of the few people who really cared whether she slept or not, whether she died or not.

      He stepped forward and picked up a book. He calmly rifled through the pages. Finally, he asked, “Is it still because of the dreams?”

     Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, Luna put the book down. “Yes,” she whispered.

      Sicham’s footsteps drew closer.

      “You’ll kill yourself this way,” he breathed, laying a gentle hand on her shoulder.

     Luna jerked out of the way, unaccustomed to warmth. The book fell to the ground sharply. Her face coloring, she picked it up and set it on the table beside her.

      His hand fell to his side, and his voice sounded hurt as he said, “I can get you some medicine for it.”

      “I don’t need pills to fall asleep. I could just cast dream state on myself. But...” Luna bit her lip, willing the stinging in her eyes to go away.

      I will not cry, she thought desperately. I will not cry.

      When she was sure of herself, she continued, “I’m afraid of what I’ll see. It’s been eight years since... since Grandpapa was killed.” She drew in a shaky breath. “Eight years,” she breathed. “I... I still can’t get over it.”

      The older man gazed at Luna sadly and took a seat in the chair next to her. She acted so tough and cold all the time that he forgot that she was only nineteen. He’d known her as a child. The way she spoke, her actions, her abilities were all those of an adult, but all that aside, she was still the child he’d known.

      “Are you still out for revenge?”

      Luna’s tone hardened. “I will never stop my revenge. Not until every Bellator is dead and gone.”

      Sicham dropped the subject. He had tried on countless occasions to convince Luna that her quest for revenge would end in a bloody battle. But each time, she had stubbornly replied with the same response. Some other strategy was needed.

      “When are you planning to leave?” he asked, making his tone brisk.

      She smirked. “You want me to leave, do you?”

      “Ever since you brought him back from the river, Aldric’s been hinting at wanting to leave with you,” Sicham replied evasively.

      Luna’s tone turned harsh immediately. “I’m not taking that kid anywhere,” she said without hesitation.

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