Don't worry about it (a Pewdiepie & friends fanific)

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How's it goin friends? So this is my new Pewdiepie fanfic. I might turn it into a pewdiecry fanfic idk. So you can be a character in this if you want to be in here just add it in the comment. There is a deadline though and I'll tell you when that is. Btw Remix is me! Just so u know and don't get confused. Welp I think that's all. Onward with the story!!!!!

Chapter one

Pewdiepie's POV

I sat back in my chair, panting heavily, my heart racing. "Well that was another episode of outlast. Like and favorite if you enjoyed and subscribe to be in the bro army. I'll see you next episode. MAHHHHAAAA!!!!!" I brofisted my computer screen and ended the video. Yup. Another successful outlast done without peeing myself.

"Hey Pewds! Great outlast video! You really know how to scream like a little girl!" I got up from my chair and disbelief crossed through my mind. Right there, standing in front me, was Cry! (Cryaotic)

"What the heck Cry?! When did you get here?!" He laughed and pulled me in for a bro hug.

"I got here like an hour ago. And because of you now I have terrible jet lag!" (Leg? Lag? Idk!)

"Haha sorry bro. But why are you here?"

Cry gave me a look as if to say I was the dumbest person alive. "Uh hello? The international gaming competition! All of the big YouTube gamers will be there, and in case you didn't notice, your like, the biggest one!" He was right about that. My account now had 14,000,000 subscribers and counting. Everyone just loved Pewdiepie.

"Crap Cry I forgot about that! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Uh friend I tried to. You weren't getting any of my calls. I decided I had to come get you myself."

"Come on! We have to get my stuff packed, and get all of my gaming equipment, don't forget me having to tell Marzia where I'm going!"

"Don't worry about it friend. We've got you covered." (Btw Cry's word is 'friend' so anytime you see that you know he's talking.) I suddenly became puzzled at what Cry said. What did he mean by 'we'?

"Hey Pewdie. Bout time you notice us." I turned to more of my gaming friends. Minx, Ken, Seananners, Russ, and Red were all standing in front of me.

"Oh my gosh guys!!!" I pulled them all in a group hug. "How the h did you manage this?!" All my stuff was packed in suitcases and ready to go.

"No time for talking. Right now we have to go catch a plane to California!" I smiled. Without these guys, I didn't know what I would do.

Remix's POV

I was so mad at Cry I could scream. I can't believe he wouldn't let me go with them to get Pewdie! I mean seriously, I'm 14! Plus I'm pretty important too. I have 9 million Subscribers to my gaming channel, and I managed that in a month! I hate it when Cry treats me like a little kid. I'm his cousin for crying out loud, not his daughter or whatever! Ugh. I guess there's nothing left for me to do but sit and wait in this stupid hotel room until they get back. Man I'm gonna let him have it.

Well that was chapter one! I hope you liked it. I know that last part was short but I wanted you guys to just get a little bit of info on Remix. Well vote and comment if you enjoyed, and share to be in the YouTube army. I'll see you in the next chapter. MAHHHAAAA!!!!! (See what I did there?)

Don't worry about it (a Pewdiepie & friends fanific)Where stories live. Discover now