The simulations begin

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How's it goin friends? So I made a new YouTube gamer account on Instagram it's called @dem_youtube_gamerz so check it out if ur interested in it. Well that's all so onward with the story!!!!

Chapter ?????? (I don't remember!)

Pewdie's POV

When we walked into the magnificent building we were automatically ambushed by people in white lab coats. They started to pull us away from each other rapidly, shouting things to their fellow comrades about not having enough time. Enough time for what?

"Hey get off me!!!" I heard Remix yell as she tried to get a woman to let go of her arm.

"Stop it! Quit acting so childish or you'll ruin everything!" The woman hollered at Remix.

"Maybe I AM a child!" She shouted. She stomped on the woman's foot and attempted to run away from her.

"Hold on!" I told her, fighting to get two men off of me. It seemed like everyone was fighting to get away from these lab-coated freaks.

"GET THE F OFF OF ME!!!!!" I heard Remix shriek, and to my horror a man had grabbed the back of her hoodie and was holding her up in the air by it. She thrashed wildly in his grip, desperately trying to free herself but to no avail.

"REMIX!" I shouted to her.

"PEWDS!" She yelled back. I broke out of the two men's grips and started running towards her. Yes! I was almost there! Just a few more steps....

"PEWDIE!!!! WATCH OUT-" I then felt a sharp pain hit me in the back of the head, then everything went black.


I woke up in a white room, one similar to a hospital room. I heard yells and screams from the rooms around me, and became furious. They were HURTING my friends! Maybe even TORTURING them!!!! I started to sit up but then saw I was restrained. I had thick, black straps across my body. Suddenly, five people in lab coats came into the room I was being held captive in. I started to swear at them in Swedish. Vile, vulgar words were tumbling out of my mouth but I didn't care. They needed to pay.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY FRIENDS?!?!?!" I screamed at them. One of them laughed at me.

"Oh no worries. You'll just end up like the rest of them." He pointed to a woman in their group of people. "Elana, hook him up to the simulations."

"What?! Don't touch me!!!" I yelled to them, not wanting any part in this "simulation".

"Don't worry, this will only hurt a bit..." The woman named Elana told me. She plunged a giant needle in my arm, causing me to howl in pain. Soon she pulled it out, and everything went black.

Cry's POV

I woke up on the ground, a huge headache forming. It was like someone was pounding a hammer against the side of my head.

"Ugh...." I heard someone grunt beside me, and I turned to see who it was.

"Pewds?!" I asked the sandy haired swede. He gave me a surprised look.

"Cry?! Your here too?!"

"I guess I am friend." I told him, chuckling a little. I stood up from the ground, wiping dirt off me, and Pewdie did the same.

"Where are we...." I asked, and took in our surroundings. We were in a city, and it looked like the world had gone to hell. There was ash and dust in the sky, crumbled buildings, and so much more wrecked items in the area.

"Hey Cry, doesn't this place look familiar?" Pewdie asked me.

"I don't know..." I replied. To be honest this place DID look familiar. Just then a voice came from somewhere.

"WELCOME GAMERS." The voice said. "YOU HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED TO TAKE PART IN GAMING SIMULATIONS WE HAVE DESIGNED FOR YOU." Wait... Game simulations? We were in a video game?!?!

"JÄVLA HELEVETE!!!!" I heard Pewds swear beside me.


"No no no no no!" My comrade shouted next to me. "What did it mean we wouldn't all survive?! What the heck?!" He turned to me. "Cry!!! This is not the time to zone out on me bro! Come on!!!!"

"I'm not freaking zoned out!" I told him. "I'm just as confused as you are ok?! I don't freaking know what's going on, and I don't know how to fix it!!!!" He stared at me in shock, mouth open.

"Look I'm sorry Pewds. I'm just really confused and upset like you. I didn't mean to yell at you." I said to him apologetically.

"It's ok bro." He said forgiving me. He suddenly snapped his fingers in the air. "I knew it!"

"Knew what?"

"I knew this place was familiar!"


"Don't you see Cry? They said these were gaming simulations. This is a video game. We're in left 4 dead!" I looked around again and saw that Pewdie had been correct. The familiar gaming co-op left 4 dead that we played together was the game we were in.

"Wow..." I mumbled.

"I know right?" Pewds said agreeing with me.

"Well I know what we gotta do now."

"What's that?" The swede asked me.

"We're gonna go find our friends." I told him. I found a knife and gun laying behind me and picked them up.

"We'll let's go then." Pewds told me, and we both set off on our journey.

So did ya like that? I thought about speeding up the story so there ya go! Well vote and comment if you enjoyed, and share to become apart of the YouTube army. I'll see you next chapter. MAHHHAAAA!!!!!!!

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