Chapter 1

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I was having a beautiful dream when my alarm woke me up. Great. You know the fact that you can never dictate a dream to be this way and that. And you know that feeling when all you just want is to go back and dream again but can never because dreams rarely repeat! Ugh. Annoying clock. I checked the time and it was still 6am! I can’t believe this.

With no other choice I turned the alarm off and headed to my bathroom. I did the basics(brushed my teeth and washed my face) then went downstairs. I found my Mom(Belle Grey) cooking breakfast and my little brother(Aaron Grey) playing his Nintendo DS. Aaron’s 8 years old and a smarty pants.

“Goodmorning, sweetie. You’re up early.” Like I don’t know that. If it weren’t for that darn clock I would’ve still be sleeping and dreaming about Harry right now.

“It’s my alarm. Forget to turn it off last night.” I walked towards my lil’ bro. “Hey, cutie. Whatcha playin’?” I could see he was playing Pokemon Black again.

“I still haven’t finished this game yet! I can’t believe Louis told me this would be easy.” One of the unique qualities Aaron has is he never gives up. I mean never. Even when he annoys me, my Mom and the guys.

“Well it wouldn’t be challenging if that game would be easy don’t you think, sweetie?” It was the boys idea to introduce the game to Aaron.

“Yes, Mom.”

“Good. Now then.. breakfast’s ready.” I maneuver my way to my chair and sat down. We were all set when the doorbell rang.

“Who would that be?” I asked. My mouth full. “I’ll go get it.”

“No, sweetie. Just continue eating I’ll get it.” My mom said.

“Oh..kay.” What’s with Mom? She seems cagey and.. is she fidgeting? Anyways, I continued eating my pancakes with vigor when I heard the boys’ voices from the door.

“Goodmorning, Mrs. Grey!” They all greeted.

“Goodmorning, boys. Come on in. We were just eating breakfast.” My Mom invited.

“Oh, we’re sorry for disturbing.” Harry apologized. Of course.. always the gentlemen and flirt(with older women). I carried on in eating.

“Hey Aaron! You finished with the game yet?” Niall asked. I rolled my eyes. Nice of them to tease Aaron.

“What’s up, Ellie(what they call me)?” Liam asked at the same time winked at me.

“Hey! You ate all the pancakes!” Louis taunted. As always. The first to bait me.

“Did not. Mom didn’t actually cooked pancakes with you guys in mind.” I replied.

“Ouch. Hahaha!”

“If you want there are some bacon and eggs in the refrigerator. You could try cooking ‘em.”

“Of course, my lady.” Harry said with a bow. I couldn’t stop my heart from beating and my cheeks from blushing. Before he could see me with a blush I turned around and walked toward the sink. Before Zayn, Liam and Louis had time to reach the refrigerator my Mom stopped them.

“Stop! Let me cook the food, boys. I don’t need mess in my kitchen.” My Mom jested. I rolled my eyes again. Sometime I ask myself how many times I roll my eyes around these boys. “This may take a while why don’t you all hang out in the living room.”

“Sure. C’mon guys! Aaron.. c’mon.” Too busy to notice where he was going he bumped his head. “Watch ou-!”

“Oww!” I had to bite my lips.

“Nevermind. C’mon, cutie. Next time.. try looking at the path.” We head up to the living room where Liam, Zayn, Louis and Niall were all sitting comfortably(I mean feet at the coffee table comfortable). Harry was at my side guiding Aaron with his game. Still my heart kept beating wild.

“Give us some space, boys!” I shouted.

“Why don’t you sit in my lap?” Zayn offered.

“No thanks. Space please!” When they finally offered some little space I sat down and Harry sat beside me. Oh gosh. My cheeks got red again.

“Why you blushin’ sis?” I think I’m going to die. Oh, why won’t the ground just freaking eat me up.

“No, I’m not. Why should I be?”

“I dunno.. maybe because I’m sitting next to you. Ain’t that reason enough?” Harry intervened.

“Ha-ha-ha.” That was my only come back? Couldn’t I think of a better one?! Great Ella.. now I’m sure Harry knows you like him.

After a while of watching TV at the sports channel Mom called the boys to kitchen.

“What are your plans for today boys?”

“Hmm.. not much. Just gonna hang around all day maybe shoot some hoops. You wanna come with, Ellie?” Zayn said.

“Can’t, I think. I’ve got some plans with Sara.”

“Ohh! Sara.. what kind of plans? Does it involve shopping? We can help you out since we don’t have anything permanent planned out today.” Niall said.

“Uh.. let me consult her about that.” At the same time.. my phone rang. “Yup? Hello?.. Wait a second. Guys!” They all look at me. “Shh. On the phone here. Sorry ‘bout that. Yes, who is this?”

“Who is it, Ellie?” Liam asked.

“It’s William. Hi, William. Why’d you call?”

“Is he that William?” Louis inquired.

“Of course he’s that William.” Niall replied back.

“The Prince William like, is he? Haha!” Zayn jested.

“Sorry.. the boys are here. What? I can’t hear you. Oh.. okay. No, I can’t. Sorry. Yeah, tomorrow maybe? That’s final then. Bye.”

“What’s all that about?” Harry asked.

“William needs tutoring for his Math and he said he really needs to catch up on his lessons.”

“So he hired you to be his tutor?”

“Yeah. Why not?”

“Why not? Nothing. Uhm.. I’m done eating. I better go now. You guys coming?”

“We’ll catch up.” Liam said.

“Okay. I’ll be at the house.”

Sorry, 'bout the typo errors. Didn't have time to edit it. :)

Mad About The Boy - A One Direction SeriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon