"I'm sorry." I said rushing to get off of him so he couldn't see me blushing.
"Hey it's fine. No worries." he said with his sexy voice.
Once I finally got up, let me tell you it is not easy getting up with only one leg, we just stood there in silence.
"Well I should go find Mrs. Right and tell her I'm ok." I said try to make an excuse as to why I need to leave.
This was until I realized I had no clue were she was.
"Were is she?"
"I think she is in te waiting room with my mom."
"k thanks," I said trying to get out of there a little to fast ecause I slipped again but this time I felt muscular arms catch me.
"You should probably be a little more careful if your going to survive for a while in that cast," he said laughing a deep vibrant laugh. I couldn't help but think it was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard.
"sounds good."
Once i finally made it to the waiting room with David's assistance we found Mrs. Right and Mrs. Otto.
"Hey" I said trying to get them to notice us
"Hello kids," Mrs. Right said finally noticing us,"Rita how is your leg?"
"Better but it still kinda hurts. But I have to use these crutches and I'm kinda dangerous with them, ask David."
He started laugh,"This would be true."
"So can we go home now?" I asked eager to get out of his place. Everything smelled and everyone looked like they wanted to hurt me. What has this world come to?
"Yes I signed all your paper work so your ready to go."
"Great let's go." I said attempting to run but I ended up failing and almost slipping again.
When we finally got to the car mrs. Right had to show me how to get in with the crouches.
" I really hate these things"
"you will only have to use them for a little while." mrs Right said trying to comfort me
" Actually I am going to have them for a while.
David's pov
"Better but it still kinda hurts. But I have to use these crouches and I'm kinda dangerous with them, ask David."
All I could do was laugh."this was true"
She was cute when she was concentrating. She would scrunch her eyebrows together and and her nose at the same time. She would press her lips together in a straight line. Those lips. They were so red and pulp, I wonder what they wold feel like against mine. No, David you can't be thinking these things when we get back to to the foster home mom is going to adopt her and then we will be siblings. But, I can't help but wish we weren't going to be siblings. It's strange I feel this strange connection between us. It's almost as if she is just like-
"David are you listening to me," my mom asked getting angry
"Wait what. I didn't hear you," I said sheepishly. I then noticed that Rita, Mrs. Right, and the kids were gone.
" We are going to go now. We'll go to the foster home and talk to Rita."
" Sounds good," we then walked out of te hospital and over to the car.
I stayed silent the whole ride not listening To my mom's rambling about what color she should paint her room.
When we got there I jumped out and ran up to the door. I was about to knock when I all of a sounder got all these butterflies in my stomach. What if she doesn't like me? What if she doesn't want to be part of this family because of me?
My mom then went up and knocked.
The door opened after the second knock to reveal Mrs. Right
" come in come in" she welcomed us warmly," I'll go get Rita, why don't you go have a seat in the lounge."
She then left. She was probably gone for about one minute but to me it felt like one hour.
I then heard the clicking of the crutches. Every click Rita got closer and my palms got sweatier.
She the poocked her head throught the door way.
" sorry I took so long, these thing are harder to use when you actually have to use them." she said laughing.
She then took a seat across forum us ont the other couch. We were all silent.
Rita was the first to speak," so... Wut up?"
" well," my mom started nervisly," we have a question for you."
" Ok shoot."
" we want to know if you can't to become part of this family." she said with hope written all over her face.
Rita's pov
" we want to know if you want to become but of this family?"
All I can think of is what if they are just like Him? What if they turn just like he did. What if they only want you so tey can hurt you? But something in me says they would never do that. These are goog people they would ever do hose horrible things to me. But what if te find out about my past. Will they give me back? I don't think I could go trough that again.
I was broken yet f my thought my someone clearing their throat. I then saw te worry on both their faces and I knew they would never do any of those things.
" yes I would love to be part of your family."
Releaf flashe on both there faces. Mrs. Otto then got up and gave me a bone crushing hug.
" Can't breath," was all I could get out.
" I'm sorry sweetie I was just so worried you would say no."
I knew then I had made the right decision.
I hope you like it
Sorry it took so long, I've been busy.
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