"Sit here and don't move you worthless piece of shit, I don't want to see you move one more time or you know the consequences," He said as he forced me to sit in an old wooden chair against the wall.
He then walke over to the door on the othe reside of the room but must have changed his mind because with an evil smirk, the smirk I knew all to well, he turned around and with two large strides he was right in front of me. He then punched me in the stomache causing me to fall to the ground in pain. He bent down and said," Rita, Rita, Rita how many times do I have to tell you. I just don't know what I am going to do with you. I know! I will do this," he said as he got up and kicked me repeataly in the gut. I screamed out in pain every time his foot came in contact with my flesh until I could scream no more because of the pain. He left the room and all I could do was cry out in pain.
"Ritta, Rita," a soft voice said as I felt someone lightly shaking me,"Rita wake up."
I opend my eyes to see a concerned Raechel looking at me.
"You kept screaming and crying and saying you were sorry. What's the matter Rita?"
"Oh it's nothing. Just a bad dream," I said trying to sound convincing,"go back to bed. I'm sorry I woke you."
"Ok as long as you are ok," she said still very concerned.
"Yes I am fine."
With that she left. Once she shut the door I looked over at my clock to see it was 5:30.
Since I wasn't going to get any more sleep I decided I would go for my run half an hour early.
I slowly got out of bed and walked into my walk in closet to grab my clothes.
I chose a bright pink sports bra and black spandex. I then went into my bathroom to get changed.
The only good thing about these nightmares was it got me my own room. Mrs. Right didn't want me to wake anyone up with my screaming. Well that is everyone but Raechel who seems to get up no matter what.
Once I was changed I put my hair in a high pony tail grabbed my iPod touch and headed out.
I ran my usual 32mile run. Must people think I am insane for running 32 miles everyday and enjoying it. But, it is just what I do. I love to run. I feel so free so alive.
Once I was done with my run and was about to walk into the house I got this breathtaking pain in my left shin.
"Shit," I cursed under my breath. I forgot to tape my ankle.
I then hobbled into the house to the kitchen to grab a bag of ice from the freezer I had made the last time I had shin splines. My shin splines are different than most. When I went to the doctor's to see why my legs hurt so bad he said I had shin splines and they were10 times worse than any he had ever seen before.
I then hobbled over to the couch, put mu leg up, put the ice on, and listend to some music.
Once I was there for about half an hour I heard Mrs. Right come downstairs.
Once she saw me she did her usual scream then tell me how I'm not allowed to run ever again and all that other stuff she always tells me.
"Ok!" I yelled at her," I get it you don't want me to run, but do you honestly think anything you can think of to say is going to stop me from running."
"No,"she said slowly
"Great! Now that we have that settled I'm going to go take a shower," I said getting up and running up the stairs. Well my attempt to run up the stairs. It ended up being me slowly hobbling on one leg up te stairs, once up them I stripped and to a cold shower. Most people hate cold showers but if you haven't noticed I'm not like most people. I love cold showers it just feels so nice after a long run.
Once I was done I got changed and put on a pair of white jean shorts and a peach crop top.
I then straightened my hair and applied light makeup.
Once I was done and was about to put my hair up I smelt something burning.
I ran downstairs and right into the kitchen. When I got in the kitchen I saw the eggs Mrs. Right was trying to make on fire. I grabbed the pan and put it in the sink and turned the water on.
"How many times do I have to tell you I will do the cooking. No offense or anything but you can't."
"I know I can't I just wanted to help."
I tuned the water off and through the burned eggs out in the garbage. I then started a new thing of eggs. Mrs. Right left and I was alone to my thoughts.
What am I going to do about these dreams? I can't sleep. I haven't gotten night of sleep since He came into my life.
Just as I was almost done Mrs. Right walked in the kitchen,"Oh by the way a nice lady is coming by to see if she wants to adopt you."
"what?" I said choking on my own spit,"Are you sure she doesn't want to see Rachel, Dan, or Ashley?"
"No. She wants to see you."
"Well I don't want to see her. I am so done with these people. I just want to live here till my 18th birthday so I can live on my own."
"Please Rita just this last one,"she said trying to change my mind
"Fine, but only this one. No more."
"Thank you sweetie."
"Breakfast is done I'm going to go get the others," I said as I ran up stairs to go get everyone else up.
Little did I know this one lady would change my life
This is my first book thing so if you could give me some feed back that would be great.
If you think this is totally horrible please tell me I don't mind. If you like it please tell me. I will take any kind of feed back
Thank you for reading. I will try to update soon.