Letting Joe In

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As I have said before Duncan Joe Methos and Richie are not mine I make no money from this story. But I sure am having fun writing it. All feed back is welcome :)

The next three weeks went by like a blur. Methos and Diana were inseparable working long hours at the lab, Adam got a part time job as Diana’s assistant so he could help with her classes the school was elated to have him on board. ReShef was slowly winning everyone over. He brought his texts into the lab and Methos fell in love with two of them. ReShef was more impressed with Methos’ texts it seemed like every time they hit a snag in the translations Methos had an old scroll or book that would help.

“It was a scene like this where Methos, Diana and ReShef were working on a translation when Joe walked into the lab with Duncan. Duncan opened the door to the lab and Methos and ReShef both stopped and looked up to see Duncan, they visibly relaxed.

“Hey Mac. Who’s your friend?” Diana asked motioning to Joe as she walked over to greet the new comer.

“Diana Mathews this is Joe Dawson.” Mac introduced

“Oh, Joe it’s nice to finally meet you!” Diana began enthusiastically “Adam has told me so much about you and he plays your cd’s all the time. Come over here and we can talk while I finish up my work for the day.” Diana took his hand and led Joe over to her computer station.

Joe looked back at Duncan with a big smile on his face. “I think I like her.”

“Yea well hands off Joe. She’s mine.” Adam joked watching, as Diana made sure Joe felt right at home.

“I might just fight you for this one.” Joe joked back.

“You’ll have to wait on that I’m afraid.” ReShef said “Adam can you come here I don’t recognize the language from this part of the scroll.”

“I managed to open the last of the scroll last night.” Diana explained

“Ah, well I’m afraid I won’t be of any help on this front. So who gets to fill me in on what’s going on?” Joe asked looking over at Duncan.

“I tell you what why don’t you and I go grab lunch to being back and I’ll tell you all the juicy details that I’m sure the boys didn’t tell you.” Diana beamed Methos and Duncan both looked up with concerned faces.

“UM maybe we should all go out for lunch.” Methos suggested

“Sounds like a good idea it looks like you could all use a break.” Duncan agreed

“I agree we will start fresh after lunch.” ReShef said putting his notebook away and began shutting down his computer.

Methos walked over to Diana and Joe “So where would you like to go love?” Methos asked putting his arm around Diana’s waist.

Joe watched the two and started chuckling “I take it when you said she’s mine you really meant it.”

Methos was surprised when Diana turned his head and kissed him toughly “Actually what he meant was he is mine.” She replied cheerfully

Methos pulled her close a silly grin on his face “What she said. Now about lunch?” They all left the lab talking and laughing deciding the little bar and grill down the street would be perfect.


Everyone was settled in the corner booth it was big enough for everyone to have plenty of room. The waitress arrived with everyone’s drinks.

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