Lil Tyrone

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(Just wanted y'all to hear this new joint from the new mb group damn was I sleeping one Jacob with his fine ass)

When Mag tried to walk away I grabbed her arm "come back here I'm sorry" I said kissing her forehead she sighed "you really believe I kissed that dude after I confessed how much I hated his guts?" I wanted to nod and say yes but I stayed quiet she laughed "wow you all are the same" I shook my head "no baby I just thought you to were on talking terms....that's all" I looked out the corner of my eye to see Tyga lifting up a bit his eye was a bit swollen "why you fighting me over a bitch? You know what I'm done with you Maggie forreal & Chris consider yourself not King god daddy anymore" he spoke which kind of made me sad because I loved lil man as my own painted his wall for him rock him to bed change his diapers and hold him when he was first born.
"Jacquees you can't throw for shit!" I yelled at him the little kids laughed at Que falling on to the ground trying to catch his breath "yeah yeah try to run with Tyrone fat head ass that boy doesn't stop" the kids laughed at Jacquees as Tyrone stuck his tongue out "that's why you ugly" he said to Que

I'm beat your big head as-' Que had paused in his sentence "damn" I followed his eyes to see a beautiful girl she walked over "Hey I'm here to pick up Tyrone" she said to Que, he look at her with his mouth open I nudge him "sorry just your so beautiful" Que says the girl giggled "thanks come on Ty"

I watch her walk off swaying her hips she was mmm. I'll lick her up and down, have her kids, man.
"If you ever ever hurt my big sista' well there's going to be a problem lil nigga" that lil nig Tyrone said I chuckled "yeah yeah run along l-' that motherfucker kicked me in my testicles I fell on the field "mommy" I said low.

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