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well, i wrote this story for health and wanted to know what you guys think about it!!!

As I drove to my high school reunion, I thought about my first day there... My father drove me to school in his Acura MDX, I stepped out and waved to him as he drove away. I glanced down to look at what I was wearing, a green and white top, blue jeans, and white flats. My long, dark, straight hair was partially held back by a clip and flowing below my shoulders. I was ready. I walked into the cafeteria and went to the section where all the freshmen were sitting. I saw my friends and they all greeted me with a, "Hey Ava May! How are you?" I replied with a, "Great! It's good to see you." I sat down and looked around. I saw someone that stopped my heart. He was sitting with the guys and he looked up. He gave me a smile that was so beautiful, I couldn't breathe. His eyes were amazing, yellowish- gold with a black ring around them, and shone like gems against his dark lashes and tan skin. His dark brown hair covered his left eye and was messed up a little, but it looked good. I turned away, sure that my cheeks were pink. When I looked back up, he wasn't there. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned. There he was; his well built, lithe body a good 5' 9" tall. "Would you like to take a walk with me?" He asked, his voice was smoother than silk and had a trace of an accent. Everyone was silent and staring. I nodded and went after him through the double doors. He turned to face me, "You're beautiful." I looked at him strangely. "And you're new," I replied. He laughed, it was a beautiful sound, "I'm Ezio Auditoire." I nodded and stuck my hand out, "Ava May Jean." Ezio took my hand and kissed it. I blushed, he was adorable! The bell rang and I jumped. "Where are you going?" He asked me. "Art..." I said. "So do I," He said, smiling warmly. We walked to the room together, talking. He was born in Italy, that would explain the accent, and his father transferred here for work. He has a younger sister too. It turned out that we had the same classes, studies, and lunches. Weird but great. "You know, you'll probably be my first good friend, Ava May." That was a great day, a shining memory. 'And the month he asked me out,' I thought, driving my black Mercedes Benz on the highway. Yes, the day Ezio and I became a couple... It was Home EC. We were baking chocolate cakes. There was flour everywhere; in our hair, all over our clothes, and all around the counter. We were frosting the cake and getting chocolate everywhere. Ezio and I were laughing SO much. I got some on his cheek and he dabbed some on my nose. It was then he got serious. I sobered up at the look on his face. "What's the matter Ezio?" I asked. Something was up. He took my hand and looked into my eyes, "Ava May, in the month that I've known you, I've never felt the way I've been feeling. I know this may be weird and sudden, but, d-do you... you know, want to be my g-girlfriend?" He looked down, blushing. Ah, he was adorable when he was shy. "Yes!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around him. He hugged me back, surprised. "Wow... I didn't think... didn't think you'd say yes... Wow." We pulled apart, "I'm so happy that you said yes," he said, giving me a genuine smile. "Thank you..." I shook my head, "No, Ezio, thank you. I was hoping you would ask me. I really like you and you are the hottest guy in the school." He laughed. "You're pretty hot yourself." He winked at me and I giggled. We cleaned up and when the bell rang, we walked out of the room hand in hand. Both of us were getting lustful and jealous stares. Girls were whispering and guys were glaring. I sighed happily and laid my head on his shoulder. He smiled, turned his head, and kissed my temple. This was perfect. Everything made sense. We dated through high school, everyone was jealous of what a wonderful couple we were. It was senior prom that went wrong. I was waiting for Ezio to pick me up in his Bugatti Veyron, yes his family was rich. A half an hour passed and he still hadn't shown up. I tried calling and texting him many times, but there was never an answer. After an hour of waiting, I called his home. Mr. Auditoire picked up, "Hello?" He said, his voice had a heavy accent. I swallowed, "Mr. Auditoire, it's Ava May, is Ezio there?" He answered, "No, he left a while ago, is there a problem?" I felt a teardrop trickle down my cheek, "No, there's no problem. Thank you, though." I hung up and drove to the Plaza hotel and went into the ballroom, looking for him. Guys wolf-whistled but I didn't care. I frantically searched and that's when I saw them. My best friend Mai and Ezio. In a "secluded" corner. Kissing. Mai, who saw me, pegged me off. My heart shattered and I couldn't breathe. My hand flew up to my throat in shock. He wouldn't... but he did. I left the hotel crying. He didn't see me. He probably didn't care...

My fingers clenched on the steering wheel, my knuckles whitened. I was parked in front of the high school, it hadn't changed a bit. I had, though. I stepped out and did a self-check. The gun was in the holster, attached to my thigh, under the blue dress I was wearing. Since I was an FBI agent, I had one on me at all times. I bent down to secure my shoes and noticed the anklet. Memories flooded my mind... "I will always tell you the truth. I will never be dishonest. I love you," Ezio was saying as I put the anklet on, its diamonds and sapphires sparkling like mad. I looked up smiling, "I love you too, Ezio, and I always will." "No matter what?" he asked. "No matter what." I confirmed. He grinned at me in a loving way... I blinked back tears, I wouldn't let him get to me. Not this time. I walked to the front of the building, took a deep breath, and threw open the door. The women sitting at a small table looked up. "Ava May Jean! It has been too long," one of them said. "Hello Emily, nice to see you," I replied walking to the doors of the gym and opening them. People were dancing and everything was either blue or white, the school colors. There was a D.J. and a few waiters walking around with drinks. I grabbed a glass of champagne and downed it in a few seconds. I spotted Mai talking to some guys who were on the football team. I walked up to them and spoke, "Hey guys, do you mind if I borrow her for a second?" Their eyes roamed up and down my body as they absentmindedly shook their heads. Pigs. I grabbed her fore- arm and practically dragged her out back. "What happened Miss- I- totally- ignore- my- best- friend- and- boyfriend- for- the- rest- of- like- forever? Suddenly talking to me again?" she sneered at me. I pinned her up against the wall and practically snarled, "I can't believe you! You knew we loved each other and you just had to go... seduce him!" She was, and probably still is, a slut. "I didn't have to do anything. He practically crawled over to me. Oh Ezio Auditoire. Ezio. Ezio. Ezio. What a fine man. Still is. I saw him before and he is still the hottest guy here. That little glance reminded me of our kiss," She leaned in, "and trust me, it was a good one." I slammed her head against the bricks and pulled out the gun and pointed it at the right side of her skull. One move and I could blow her brains out. "You wouldn't..." She whispered, fear in her eyes. "Watch me." I pulled the trigger, the gunshot was masked by the music coming from inside. I hauled her body into the dumpster.

I took a deep breath and smoothed my dress. I went to the ladies room to fix my hair and make up. I had to go find Ezio. I stepped out of the room and, speaking of the devil, bumped into him. "Ava May?" he asked, surprised. "Ezio," I replied coldly. "Come on, Ava, I know you're mad at me. I don't know why, but you are. Can we please just talk this through?" He pleaded, his eyes begging for forgiveness. "You don't know why!?" I shrieked. "What the he..." He cut me off by clamping his hand over my mouth. "Can we go outside to talk... erm... yell?" He asked. I narrowed my eyes and nodded curtly. Ezio hesitantly uncovered my mouth and took my hand, leading me out back. I crossed my arms and looked him over. He got taller, probably stronger too. His eyes had the same shine and determination that he had years ago. "What did I do wrong Ava? Please tell me so I can right my wrong." He looked genuinely sorry. "You broke my heart, Ezio, and the pieces have never been mended." He looked pained. "What did I do?" I spoke two words without emotion, "Senior prom." He was silent. "You knew?" I nodded, unable to speak without screaming. I took out the gun once more and pointed it at him. "Explain yourself," I said, barely controlling my voice. "She threatened to kill my family, and me, if I didn't stand you up and kiss her. You know how crazy jealous she was, she actually went to that extent. She had me at gunpoint the whole time. It was either her or one of her eyes in the skies. It was ridiculous," he was saying, looking shaken at the memory. "What I did to you was wrong. But it wasn't my fault, Ava May Jean, I loved you and I still do." I shook my head and whispered. "Bull." I shot him in the abdomen, and he gasped in pain, the light slowly leaving his gem like eyes. "The... Anklet..." He said with his last breath and then he was gone. Calm down Ava May. Don't cry. You've wasted enough tears on him. Don't do anything drastic. Well, too late for that. 'The... Anklet...' What did that...? I looked down and there it was. "I will always tell you the truth. I will never be dishonest. I love you." What had I done? Tears streamed down my face as I realized what I had done. There was no reason... I was such a... Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. I leaned against the brick wall, next to Ezio, and slid down, my hand covering my mouth and muffling my sobs. What had I done? I had never stopped loving Ezio Auditoire. Never. And I had just killed him. There was only one thing to do now. With trembling hands I brought the gun up to my forehead. I took one last, deep breath and pulled the trigger. That is where I lay, next to Ezio. As long as I was next to him, nothing else mattered. It felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I was free. Free of the lies, free of the burden. I was where I belonged. With Ezio Auditoire, my one and only love.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2009 ⏰

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