Irish blue tipped dragons!

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  • Dedicated to Olivia Dowling

Irish blue tipped dragons are a rare find in England, but alas i've found one.The elegant creature; Scales as blue as the deepest of oceans, eyes green like Kermit the frog wearing emerald encrusted clothes, had been perching on a bird feeder trying to retrieve the nutty goodness from within. I approached this rare beauty with caution and eagerness, whilst trying to get closer, I guess it must've noticed me as a faint purring sound came from this saphire on a pole. As i drew nearer and nearer the purring turned more into a growl, I reached forward to give this animal some lamb... and thats all i remember and now im here in the woods.

I need to name it something rather than calling it ‘the creature’ or ‘it’, I know i will name it something meaning creature of beauty. Like Jess. Nope that won't do its too human i need something more… Unique, I know, I have it. I shall call her Chem as that sounds like gem and i dont want to name her something obvious like saphire. Chem my pet, no not my pet! My friend.

Marshmallows burn on a inferno of flames which she made with a humble breath, I just lay here thinking; about why she doesn't just kill me her, or if shes playing a sick game to make me trust her and wait for me at my most vulnerable. I slouch against her body whilst her wing protects me like a shield blocking all the stars like bullets, we slowly fall asleep on the blanket of leaves and pine needles nat she gathered with her tale and i dream trying to remember what happened after i fed her the lamb.

Fumbly BumbleBee i announced as i wake, sitting up suddenly i notice that my friend has evaporated into thin air, I gaze confused in the area where her magical body once lay, the steam of the once roaring fire engulfs my surroundings, as a drop of water hits the majestic embers. I scan the valley, however all i can see is the lushes green forest. I casually catch a glimpse of a fan of a wing playing peekaboo with me from behind the fan like leaves of the trees; a ray of sunlight springs off her scales in a magical spectrum of colors, as she lowers her head to drink the water from the flowing river before her. When she dips her long blue muzzle into the water she catches sight of a bright pink salmon, with a quick snap of her jaw its trapped like a fly in the presents of a venus flower.

After a few minutes of observing her from afar i decided to move closer so i could document how she moves, she must notice i have closed in on her as she turns her back on me i whip out my pen and note book. This must have startled her as she jumps back round pins me to  the ground with her paw on my chest and flares her teeth in my face, i throw the pen and notepad away and apologise. Later that day were wandering through the woods and i start talking to Chem and finish my sentence with i wish you could respond to me… “I can.”.

I’m not sure if I just heard what I think heard but i end up fainting.

When i wake i realise i am suspended 30,000 meters in the air, “Where am i Chem?”

“I’m taking you to the land of the dragons.”

“I knew you spoke to me how come you hadn’t spoken to me before?”

“I didnt want to scare you, but i already did that.”

20 minutes pass and i'm in this area covered by clouds this city is the prettiest thing i have ever seen; Massive buildings suspended by thin air and  trees the colour of Bananas with leaves the shape of hands. Suddenly Chem’s grip loosens and i start falling through the air, right as i hit the ground i wake up and realise i was dreaming this whole time, but what i see before me is a beautiful girl kneeling down over me with a cold damp cloth pressed against my head. She had green eyes and was wearing a blue dress, she tells me her name is Chem.

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