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" wha- what? " questioned Erin, " Eclipse is your mother " replied Violet with a little more sympathy " I know it's a lot to take in right now, but I felt you should know " Erin now looked off with a dazed look in her eyes and whispered " I've been lied to my whole life....... " Violet looked down and whispered " I'm sorry......" Erin's pupils started to become pin point and her eyebrows narrowed angrily, and teeth knashed together she screamed " IS MY LIFE A LIE?! " Violet, whom was surprised with the outburst, tried to calm her down " Now Erin- " " NO DO NOT DO THAT TO ME!!! YOU BROUGHT THIS UPON ME! " screamed Erin, as ticci started to back up out of the room a little scared, " I know that I'm a horrible person but seriously you need to stop over reacting..... " replied Violet calmly touching Erin's arm. Erin smacked Violet's hand away from her and yelled " I'M NOT OVER REACTING YOU JUST TOLD ME MY PARENTS LIED TO ME MY ENTIRE LIFE AND YOU THINK THIS IS JUST FINE TO BRING UP BLUNTLY?! " Violet started to talk again as a slight tinge of flame started in her eye but Erin stopped her getting up almost falling over and walking out of the room, Violet followed after her yelling at her to stop and that she was going to hurt herself, but she didn't stop and she walked out of the mansion as she picked up a knife and ran, her foot steps getting better and better as she kept running " PLEASE STOP YOU'RE BEING RASH!" Yelled Violet trailing behind Erin " ERIN! " Violet heard someone scream behind her. It was Jeff, but Erin kept running until she reached the end of the forest seeing Violet and Jeff trailing behind her, Erin whipped out the knife and threw it at Violet who dodge it easily saying " Erin! Please this isn't the way to go with your troubles! " she screamed ' ughh!! ' this time she ran ar Violet intent to inflict pain, but again Violet dodged easily, with her strength and power increasing daily she could almost be a strong as Slender, even Zalgo, though she was easily over powered by guns " FIGHT ME! " screamed Erin, Violet had different ideas, and replied calmly " I do not wish to hurt you in this state Erin, please, just settle down and let's go back so you can heal properl- " just at that moment Violet felt a split pain in her side " Gah! " she screamed and looked at her side to see a hole right on hip with a small oval shaped metal ball imbedded in the hole " GAHH! " she felt another and looked towards Jeff, and Erin who had a look of surprise on their faces " RUUN! " Violet screamed collapsing the same time Erin did, Jeff picked her up bridle style and ran " Stay down! You're Violet Summer? Aren't you? " said a mysterious male pulling Violet's arms behind her " uurrgh " muttered Violet " For killing your parents you are going to be put in a mental hospital " the male replied " h-how do you know I'm alive? " gurgled Violet " Your blood was found on a victims body, we don't know how you survived but you did," the male said with more of a slight hint of fear, he pulled Violet on her feet and walked her towards a car, a police car ' oh no! I'm being put under arrest! How could this happen to me.......? ' Violet looked towards a house to see a lone male with phone in his hand. He had a terrified look in his eyes ' he's the cause of this...... I'll kill'em ' Violet got shoved into the cop car and was locked in. The car started to drive away from the forest and Violet passed out.

*~ Erin's P.O.V ~*

I was about to pass out of exhaustion while Jeff carried me back to the mansion " I'm so sorry Jeff..... "  I whispered " it was really rash of me and now we've lost Violet " Jeff stayed silent and then later whispered " We have to go get her...... I can't lose her AND Misery...... But not yet...... You need to get better " I started to tear up and buried my head in Jeff's chest as he ran and weeped " I'm so sorry! "  just as Jeff and I got to the mansion, I passed out.

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