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Warning Lots of swear words 

* Edwards P.O.V*

I choked back a scream as I saw Violet drop to the ground fidgeting and screaming, her eyes were clouded in pain clearly she was between consciousness and unconsciousness. I felt my teeth grit and tears form in my eyes " HOW DARE YOU PUT HER THROUGH THIS PAIN HASN'T SHE KNOWN ENOUGH?!" I scream at Zalgo as he only snickers, "Oh poor poor Violet who's done nothing but violence and kill and betray her own father.....What happened to the son who wouldn't disobey me? What happened to the son who served me?" I was enraged at his hypocritical acts and arogance and I finale snapped " YOU HYPOCRITICAL LITTLE FUCKER HOW DARE YOU! YOU SAY SHE'S BAD WHILE YOU THROW HER IN A FUCKING RIVER?! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU, YOU FUCKING BITCHY BASTARD!" At those words my eyes blazed a blood red. Zalgo looked enraged " HOW DARE YOU! YOU LITTLE SHIT YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A ANNOYING BITCH WHO LIES AROUND!" Boomed Zalgo as one of the demons looked at me a said "Erm sir! The boy's eyes are blazing!" Zalgo rolled his eyes and said, " Yeah no shit! He finally figured out how make his eyes flame! Now knock him out I don't want to deal with the little shit for any longer." I looked over to one of the demons and the punched me in the face knocking me out.

* Violets P.O.V*

I woke up at a burned house confused, angry, sad, and a little scared even. I walked up to the house and noticed a broken picture at the foot of the steps that lead up to the door. It was a picture of my adoptive dead family, "N....No no no no no no!" I cried and ran into the house and looked around at the burned couch and kitchen room to see it all demolished, I ran into my brother and sister's room to find the same result, even my parents room was demolished. Then I ran into my room, there was no burn marks at all except blood on the walls, bed, closet that formed words the spoke in my head and they go louder and louder bitch, you deserve to die, reaper,you didn't help them,killer,killer,feared,you did nothing,your going to hurt your real brother now, bastard,fucker, die die! DIE DIE!!!!!! I sat on the floor my head in my hands weeping "No I'm sorry please forgive me!" I continued to sob on the floor until the voices went away and I looked up and saw a broken old rust, molding mansion and lying infront of it lay a bloodied sign to the slender mansion. "Why are you showing me this?!" I sobbed clawing at my face running inside to find the bodies of multiple creepypastas Slender,BEN,Jeff,Sally,Hoodie,Masky,( sorry I know they're marble hornet characters but still! ), Toby, and many others. The ominous voice said Misery, and even little Alex you killed them it's your fault.....your fault! YOUR FAULT!!! I cried even harder looking at the mangled body of  Alex and touched her face and then quickly but my head in my hands then I heard a scream and looked up and to my horror I was witnessing my family's death " NO PLEASE STOP!!" I screamed feeling weak as it started looping and going over and over and over and over again clutching my head as I heard  HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA " ARRRGH!" I screamed as I feel a knife in my back and soon in my chest as I faint from the pain.


A/N Helllooooo readers! Thanks for reading so far! After all the seriousness of this book I might just do randomness and I just wanted to tell you it won't be so serious but there will be VERY serious moments in this so ya that's all I wanted to tell you! Thanks for reading!

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