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Have a short filler, I'm getting my hair cut off tomorrow :)


Q: what do y'all think happened between Kellin & Vic, like why don't they talk or anything anymore?¿
A: I have a long ass theory. Kik me if you wanna know it.

It's @ bring.me.the.lexi


Alysha and I just picked up our dresses, they're absolutely stunning.

I was now headed to the bra store. I got this bra thing that will fill the boob gap so my dresses won't look funny.

My mentally checking off my list of things to do, oh yeah shoes.

I was in the shoe store and I found the perfect pair.

After I got those, I went down to journeys and got a pair of plain black converse because I know my feel will be killing me and I can't dance in heels.


I was currently with my brother here in men's warehouse getting fitted for our suits, apparently I'm not allowed to see kellins dress until the night of homecoming, so I couldn't go shopping with him.

I found the perfect suit. I was just told to get one that grey, I guess his dress is another grey or black. I don't know.

I'm starving, "hey mike wanna go eat?"

"Uh, yeah man, lemme take this suit off and pay." I just nodded.

Shortly after that we were headed to the small Chinese place on the strip.

I saw the familiar car of my boyfriend outside the restaurant. I knew he'd be somewhere eating.

He was standing at the counter paying for what I'm guessing is the buffet, so they haven't ate yet, good.

I crept up behind him and snatched the card out of his hand before he could swipe it, "who the fu- oh hey babe." He laughed.

"Put two more buffets on that and I'll be paying." I swiped my card and went to get a table for us.

"Vic, I really could've paid. You didn't have to" he told me.

"I wanted too." I said and kissed his cheek.

"Okay, well I want food. Bye." He he up and went over to the buffet. I followed.

We made our way back to the table and began eating I was going paying attention to anything but this orange chicken until something warm hit me on my face.

It was a piece of teriyaki.

"What the fuck?" I asked and turned to Kellin.

"Hey kells, do you happen to be eating some teriyaki?" I questioned him.

"Um, no, I'm in eating some rat." He said and shrugged (a/n he's eating Vic)

"Oh really?" I said, "okay, whatever" I said and waited about 3 minutes then slapped him in the face with some noodles.

"Oh, that did it Fuentits." He told me and slung rice at me.

"You asked for it babe." I said and was interrupted from slinging sweet and sour sauce on him by the owner "excuse me sir, we will have to ask you to leave." He said in a English type Chinese voice.

"Um, okay." I said and grabbed my plate and followed Kellin out.

"Sir you can't take that." He told me.

"I don't care." I said and flipped him off continuing to eat my food.

"HEY MIKE TAKE MY CAR IM GOING WITH KELLS." I yelled into the restaurant at Mike and Alysha who were acting like they didn't know me.

"Victor, you got us kicked out.... Shame... On.... You." He said while stealing my food.

"You started it." I whined.

"You continued it." He argued.

"Ugh, I just wanna sleep." I looked over to Kellin. "Take me to go sleep." I said

"Okay, whatever." He said and drove us home.

"Vic... Vic... Wake up." I was being shaken up by Kellin.

"Ugh, I wanna sleep." I said

"THEN GET YOUR DUSTY ASS IN THERE AND SLEEP WERE AT MY HOUSE!!" Kellin yelled straight in my ear.

"Okay." I said and walked straight into kellins room and plopping on the bed. Kellin crawled in next to me and cuddled into my arms.

I could get used to this.

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