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Sorry it's been a while, here ya goooo.

*vics pov*

Homecoming night or whatever

I was sitting in kellins family room waiting on him to come down. His mom had already taken a thousand pictures of me, I can't imagine how many when Kellin gets down here.

I head the door creek and my head shot up.

Kellin came down the stairs looking like a damn Cinderella, the most beautiful human I had ever seen. I have never laid eyes on a person as perfect as him.

*slap* I felt a hand come across my face.

"Vic what the hell are you doing?" Kellin asked me.

"What're you talking about?" I asked completely confused.

"You were staring like an idiot, for like 5 minutes." Damn was I starting that long?

"Sorry?" It came out more as a question. Back to reality, "Kellin, you look amazing tonight, baby. Words can't express your beauty, not just today... Everyday." I said and kissed him. I pulled away and rested my forehead against his.

"You look great too babe." He winked at me.

"Ready?" I asked him.

"Not so fast young men, I've got some pictures that need to be taken." Kellins mom stopped us. We groaned.

After about a million pictures we were out the door.

"I'll be there in like 10 minutes you guys." His mom said when we were getting into the car.

The car ride to the school was anything but silent. Apparently Kellin has a soft spot for Justin bieber. He sure does have a lot of it on his phone.

We entered the school and went into the gym. Everyone was getting line up. Me and Kellin took our places in the center of everyone.

Once people came piling in. Music came on and we were being introduced. 4 grades later it was our turn.

"Now may I introduce to you the 2016 homecoming queen, Kellin Quinn." Our principle announced and I or ought Kellin up to the front of the gym and twirled him around 3 times like practiced and then we bowed.

Kellin was crowned

"Kellin is being escorted by the lovely and handsome Victor Fuentes, son of Vivian and Victor SR. Fuentes. Victors talents include making music. He hopes to one day get a music degree."

"Homecoming queen, Kellin Quinn. Has been nominated for their (using no specific pronoun bc idk) amazing personality." Everyone applaud and I escorted Kellin to our seats up on stage in the center.

It was time for the dance part of the coronation.

Everyone walked to the gym floor and took their places. We waltzed like they do every year.

Once that was over we went back to our seats and let the principal do their thing then there was two students who sang. The. It was my turn. I stood up. Kellin gave me a weird look but I ignored it. I went up to the podium and my mom walked me my guitar.

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